Your Council Services

Governance and Administration Services

Civic Naming Policy Group

Galway City Council recognises that public commemorations offer opportunities to honour, celebrate or remember a person, groups of people or events of significance.

Complaints and Appeals

How do I contact the Customer Service Department of Galway City Council?
The provision of quality Customer Service is a priority for Galway City Council.

If you cannot find an answer to your query on the Galway City Council website, then you can contact the Customer Service Centre who will assist with your query.

Corporate Plan

Every 5 years, Galway City Council (GCC) is required to prepare a new Corporate Plan that will set out a vision and mission statement for Galway City Council, the only local democratically accountable body in the city. The Plan also sets out the core values, corporate goals and strategic priorities that underpin the work of the Council, its management and staff. It provides the critical platform through which the Council delivers its services.

Fógra na Vótaíochta / Notice of Poll

Fógra na Vótaíochta / Notice of Poll

Toghlimistéar Áitiúila: Cathair na Gaillimhe Thoir, Cathair na Gaillimhe Láir agus Cathair na Gaillimhe Thiar.

Local Electoral Areas: Galway City East, Galway City Central and Galway City West.

Galway City Council Privacy Statement

Galway City Council is the democratically elected unit of local government in Galway City and under the provisions of the Local Government Acts (as amended) and various statutory provisions is responsible for providing a range of services to meet the economic, social and cultural needs of the people of the City

Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty

Galway City Council, in compliance with Section 42 of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Act, 2014 has undertaken an assessment of the equality and human rights issues for the identified groups that it believes to be relevant to its functions and purpose.

Strategic Policy Committees

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) bring together elected members (Councillors), and people actively working with social partners and other sectoral interests to develop and review policies related to Council services. Final policy decisions, however, rest with the full Council acting as a body.

Town Twinning

What does Town Twinning involve?
Town twinning involves cultural, educational and an exchange of common interests between communities in different countries.

Voting and Elections

For Nominees

How do I nominate myself for election to Galway City Council?

Register of Electors

If you are a new applicant, you can now register to vote online OR If you are an existing elector, you are now being asked to update your details online by visiting:

Equality, Integration and Social Inclusion

Local Authority Integration Team

The overarching guiding principle of Galway City Council’s Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) is ‘Integration from day one’. Our main aim is to focus on empowering individuals who are Applicants for International Protection, those with Refugee, Subsidiary Protection, Permission to remain status, Programme Refugees and Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection to ultimately live independently in communities across Galway.