Reuse of Public Sector Information

Can I re-use information published by the public sector?

Re-Use of Public Sector Information (PSI)

Galway City Council is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 (S.I. no. 279 of 2005).
Further information on the re-use of public sector information (PSI) can be found at


Policy Statement

Galway City Council is not obliged to release public sector information. Any request made to the City Council to release information and/or documents for re-use will be considered on its merits. Where information is released by the Council, its re-use will be subject to the terms and conditions of the latest PSI licence available at and any other terms and conditions that the Council deems appropriate.

You may re-use the information on this website free of charge in any format. Re-use is subject to the latest PSI licence available at



All of the information on the Council's website is the copyright of Galway City Council unless otherwise indicated. Where you supply the information to others, the source (including URL) and copyright status must be acknowledged. In case of any information on this site, which may be the property of a third party, permission to re-use such information must be obtained from the third party concerned.



Galway City Council is not liable for any loss or liability associated with the re-use of information. While every care has been taken in the compilation of the information on this website, no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the City Council for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages or any site to which these pages connect. Galway City Council does not authorise any user to have exclusive rights to re-use of its information.

Galway City Council does not maintain many of the sites provided as links and so assumes no responsibility for the contents; nor do such links constitute any endorsement of any other site, its sponsor or its contents.


PSI Requests

An individual or a legal entity may make a request in a legible form to Galway City Council to release documents for re-use. It must be clearly stated that the request is being made for the purpose of the re-use of the information.

Requests should be sent to:

Freedom of Information Officer,
Galway City Council,
City Hall,
College Road,


The classes of information held by Galway City Council are listed in the Council's Freedom of Information Section 15 Manual.

Documents will only be made available in any pre-existing format or language.



Charges in respect of public section information that is not available on the Council's website will reflect the cost incurred by Galway City Council in collecting, producing, reproducing and disseminating the requested information.

The Council will notify the requester of any charges to be applied prior to processing the request. The agreed charge must be paid before the information is released



The Regulations do not provide for the release of documents that could be excluded from access under the Freedom of Information Acts 2014.

The Regulations do not affect any right or function under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Acts 1988-2018.

The Regulations do not permit the release of information in a manner that is prohibited by law or require the release of information that is legally privileged.
