Strategic Policy Committees

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) bring together elected members (Councillors), and people actively working with social partners and other sectoral interests to develop and review policies related to Council services. Final policy decisions, however, rest with the full Council acting as a body.

Galway City Council has six Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) and they are chaired by an Elected Councillor:

·         Forbairt Shóisialta I Social Development

·         Forbairt Oibriúcháin I Operational Development

·         Forbairt Tionscadail I Project Development

·         Forbairt Uirbeach  I Urban Development

·         Forbairt Chorparáideach I Corporate Development

·         Forbairt Turasóireachta I Tourism Development

External Representatives are drawn from the following sectoral interests: Business/Commercial; Development/Construction and Trade Unions. The sectoral/community representatives are drawn from the membership of the Galway City Community Network (Public Participation Network). For more information on the PPN visit

Strategic Policy Committees were established following the June 2024 Local Elections in line with revised guidelines from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government. SPCs are not concerned with individual representational or operational issues.

 Revised Guidelines 

Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2024 – 2029