Civic Naming Policy Group

Galway City Council recognises that public commemorations offer opportunities to honour, celebrate or remember a person, groups of people or events of significance.

The Naming and Civic Commemorative Policy sets out the process by which Galway City Council will consider the commemoration of events or individuals, either by the naming of public infrastructure in the ownership or remit of Galway City Council or by the installation of a monument, memorial, or plaque in the public realm within the jurisdiction of Galway City Council.

Commemorations may take the form of permanent and fixed plaques, memorial, monument, the naming of a building/new road and so on. 

Galway City Council Naming and Civic Commemorative Policy

Galway City Council Civic Memorial Application Form

If you have a query or wish to submit an application for the consideration of the Civic Naming Committee, please email Corporate Services - with 'Civic Naming Policy' in the subject line. 



Suggest a Name for the Multi-Use Games Area in Westside

April 2024

Galway City Council invites applications for the naming of the Multi-use Games Area in Westside beside the Glen Oaks on Bishop O’Donnell Road.

The name could be:

    • A person who made a significant contribution to the life or history of Westside or Galway City
    • A commemoration of a significant event in the past
    • A mythical figure who embodies a positive value or quality
    • A positive sentiment or value, for example.

If you or your community would like to suggest a name for the MUGA in Westside, please:

    • send us your suggestion on the Civic Naming application form by 6pm, on Friday 3 May. See link above.
    • Please fill in parts A, B, E if consent is required for naming in honour of a person, and H. Other sections can be let blank.

 MUGA Naming