Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty

Galway City Council, in compliance with Section 42 of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Act, 2014 has undertaken an assessment of the equality and human rights issues for the identified groups that it believes to be relevant to its functions and purpose.

Galway City Council, in compliance with Section 42 of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Act, 2014 has undertaken an assessment of the equality and human rights issues for the identified groups that it believes to be relevant to its functions and purpose. 

The assessment undertaken is both evidence-based, in drawing from national and local research, and participative, in involving civil society representatives of the identified groups for the Duty in the Assessment. The identified groups encompass those covered by the nine grounds under the legislation; those at risk of or experiencing poverty, those at the intersections of these grounds; and individual rights holders under the relevant human rights instruments. 

In deploying the assessment of equality and human rights issues, Galway City Council will put in place and implement the following targeted initiatives to address the relevant equality and human rights issues through implementation of: 

  • The City Age Friendly Strategy 
  • The Council’s Integration Strategy (to be developed)
  • The Council's Housing Disability Strategy 2021 - 2026
  • Traveller Accommodation Plan 2025 - 2029
  • Regional Homeless Action Plan 2025 - 2027

In preparing the Corporate Plan, Galway City Council identified eight priority overarching equality and human rights issues to be a focus in developing the Corporate Plan. More broadly, in recognising the ongoing nature of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty, and the need to address the full range of equality and human rights issues identified in our assessment, Galway City Council has developed an implementation plan for the Duty. 

The implementation plan sets out the steps that will be taken to enable an ongoing implementation of the Duty, including convening a cross-organisational Duty Working Group to drive and plan this work; staff familiarisation and training as required; and internal communication of our equality and human rights values.



The Implementation Plan identities the approach to be taken to implement the legislation and to ensure the relevant equality and human rights issues are addressed, at key moments, in particular the preparation of the Council’s Annual Service Delivery Plans and the development and review, generally, of the plans, policies, strategies and programmes that flow from these annual service plans.