Visitor's Parking Permit

I am a resident of Pay and Display parking area; where can visitors to my residence park?

Each Resident in a Pay and Display Area is entitled to apply for Visitors Permits. A Visitor's Permit allows visitors to a resident, to park on designated pay and display areas near to the residents address.

Parking Permit Conditions


Entitlement - Number of Visitor Permits:

Once a resident has been approved for visitors permits the resident is entitled to a total of 52 visitors permits per year with an overall limit of 104 permits per housing unit.


Cost of Visitor Permits

A Visitors Permit costs €2.50 and they are sold in blocks of 4 at a cost of €10.


Conditions of Use - Visitor Permits

The disc must be used in a pay & display-parking place in the street/s (zones) named on the front of the parking disc. It is not valid for use in any other pay & display area.

Visitor must indicate year, month, day, hour and minute (to the nearest 5 minutes) that the visitor wishes to commence their parking by fully scratching off appropriate panels. The panels scratched must be clearly visible.

Display the disc on the front dashboard with the parking time clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle

The maximum parking time is a continuous period of twenty-four hours from the time that parking commences. e.g. if the date scratched off on permit is Dec 3rd, 2013 at 3.30pm the permit is valid up until Dec 4th, 2013 at 3.30pm.

Visitor Parking Discs are non-refundable.

Permits may be used by visitors or persons engaged by the resident to carry out work on his/her residence. It is the responsibility of the resident to ensure that this is the case.


What is the application process for a visitor's parking permit?

An application form for a Resident/Visitor's parking permit must be downloaded.

The Application Form must be completed in full along with the following Supporting Documents:


Return the completed application form and required documentation to:

Customer Service
Galway City Council,
City Hall,
College Road,

Visitor permits are sold in blocks of 4 at a cost of €10 euro . Payment must be made at the cash office at City Hall, College Rd., Galway.