Carer's Parking Permit

Who is entitled to apply for a carer's parking permit?

A person who requires care in their residence, and who resides in a pay and display parking area, may apply for a Carers Parking Permit.

The permit may be used by the person who visits, calls on or makes a stay with the resident for the purpose of ongoing daily care for a medical illness.

The Carer's Permit entitles the Carer to park free of charge and without a time limit in the disc parking area indicated on the permit.

Carers parking Permit - Conditions


What it the application process for a carer's parking permit?

Application Process:

Download and complete an application form for a carers parking permit.

The Application Form must be completed in full along with the following Supporting Documents.

A €10 euro fee should be paid to the Council after your application has been approved.

Completed applications should to be returned to:

Traffic Section,
Galway City Council,
City Hall,
College Road,

A Carer's Parking Permit is valid for one year.


How do I renew a Carers Parking Permit?

Download and complete an application form for a carers parking permit selecting the option for "Renewal of Permit".

The Application Form must be completed in full along with the following Supporting Documents.

The fee for renewing a Carers parking permit (€10 euro) must be paid to
Galway City Council,
City Hall,
Colllege Rd.,