Parking Permits

Carers' Parking Permit Supporting Documents

1. Resident/Applicant must submit a copy of a current (i.e. dated within the last 3 months) proof of residency showing your name and address, i.e. utility bills, financial statements, tenancy agreement or other documentation,

(ESB, Bord Gais, eircom, NTL Bill/Bank, Credit Card, Credit Union Statement) acceptable to the Council, (Non-domestic bills and mobile phone bills are not acceptable to the City Council)

2. Letter of confirmation from the resident’s doctor (click here to download) that the resident requires ongoing daily care due to a chronic illness.

3. Carer must submit a copy of current Insurance Certificate in their name with their vehicle registration number. If the vehicle is registered in the name of a company you must supply a copy of the current insurance certificate for the vehicle AND a letter from the company stating that you are employed by them and that you have habitual use of the vehicle.

4. €10 fee to be paid after your application has been approved (fee applies for 1 permit or maximum of 2 permits and/or change of vehicle).

Do not forward cash by post. Cheques/Postal Orders should be made payable to Galway City Council. Alternatively you can call into our public offices to pay in person.