Parking Permits

Residents/Visitors Supporting documents

Resident Parking Permit - First Time Application or Renewal, Change of Vehicle 

  • Copy of Certificate of Ownership (logbook) at permit address.  
       (Student vehicles & company vehicles are not required to be registered at permit address). 
  • A copy of your current Proof of Residency, dated within last 3 months, showing your name and address, i.e. utility bills, financial statements, tenancy agreement or other documentation, (Utility Bills such as Electricity, Bord Gais, eircom, UPC/SKY. Bank, Credit Card, Credit Union Statements) acceptable to the Council, (Non-domestic bills and mobile phone bills are not acceptable to the City Council). 
    Renting: If you are renting, a copy of your tenancy agreement or a letter from the Private Residency Tenancy Board confirming that you are a tenant at the address to which the application relates will be required.
    Resident: Not Owner or Renting, a copy of a Bank Statement or Income Tax Certificate to prove that you live at the address mentioned will be required.
  • A copy of the current Insurance Certificate for the vehicle registration number given on the application form. The Insurance certificate must be in the name of the applicant and state the address provided on the application form. Exceptions as follows:
    1. If the vehicle is registered in the name of a company you must supply a copy of the current insurance certificate for the vehicle AND a letter from the company stating that you are employed by them and that you have habitual use of the vehicle.
    2.  Students who are a named driver on parents insurance must provide proof that they are attending college in Galway. 
  • If you are submitting a “Change of Vehicle”, please return the resident parking permit with old reg. details. 

  • Fee of €30. Note if a first time applicant, payment is not required until application is approved.


Visitors Permit 

  • Valid Resident's Permit or Proof of Residency, dated within the last 3 months e.g. utility bill or bank   statement in the name and address of the applicant

  • Fee Permits are sold in multiples of 4 for €10. Maximum Order per residence/rolling year is 104 Permits at a cost of €260.00. Note if a first time applicant, payment is not required until application is approved