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Tionscadail agus nuashonruithe Taisteal Gníomhach.

new parkmore bus lane view from sky

Parkmore Road Bus Priority Project Completed Ahead of Schedule

17 December 2024

Galway City Council is pleased to provide an early Christmas present to workers and residents in Parkmore with confirmation that works on the Parkmore Bus Priority Project have been completed ahead of schedule. It had been expected that construction works would continue into the first months of 2025, but works are now substantially complete in advance of the Christmas period.

Parkmore Road Bus Priority Scheme

Provision of Bus Lane southbound on Parkmore Road and associated works including the provision of three additional traffic light controlled pedestrian crossings on Parkmore Road, raised junction treatments along Parkmore Road and the provision of ancillary works including kerb realignment, pavement works, landscaping, public lighting, footway renewals, traffic signs and road markings.

Bus Connects Galway-Dublin Road

The BusConnects Galway: Dublin Road project is a planned continuous corridor of high-quality public transport, pedestrian and cycling facilities running along the length of the R338 Dublin Road.