The term public procurement refers to all activities involved in the process of buying and supplying, goods, services or works. Galway City Council purchases a vast amount across these categories.
Galway City Council, in compliance with Section 42 of the Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Act, 2014 has undertaken an assessment of the equality and human rights issues for the identified groups that it believes to be relevant to its functions and purpose.
Following delivery of the Goods/services the supplier should issue an invoice to the Accounts Payable Section, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, quoting the Purchase Order number that was provided at order stage.
If you are a new applicant, you can now register to vote online OR If you are an existing elector, you are now being asked to update your details online by visiting:
The St. Patrick’s Day parade will take place on Monday 17th of March 2025. The parade is proposed to start at 11.00am and usually finishes at 1.00pm. The starting point will be at University of Galway and the collection point is the Black Box Car Park.
Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) bring together elected members (Councillors), and people actively working with social partners and other sectoral interests to develop and review policies related to Council services. Final policy decisions, however, rest with the full Council acting as a body.
New Suppliers must complete and return a Supplier Set up form which will be issued by the staff member organising the purchase. Evidence of bank account details in the name of the Supplier must be provided with the form e.g. bank statement header.
What does Town Twinning involve?
Town twinning involves cultural, educational and an exchange of common interests between communities in different countries.