
The term public procurement refers to all activities involved in the process of buying and supplying, goods, services or works. Galway City Council purchases a vast amount across these categories.

  • What is "Procurement"?

    The term public procurement refers to all activities involved in the process of buying and supplying, goods, services or works. Galway City Council purchases a vast amount across these categories.


  • What is the Procurement Policy in Galway City Council?

    Galway City Council acquires goods, services and works across a range of values, from stationery to high value construction projects. There are a number of procurement policies and procedures that must be followed depending on the value of Contract from low to National and EU Value thresholds. As the contract value increases, the procurement process becomes more formal and detailed.

    The Procurement Section in the Finance Department has a coordinating role in ensuring that there is an organisational focus on good practice in procurement and procedures in place will achieve value for money and ensure a high standard of openness, transparency and compliance with all relevant public procurement guidelines and legislation.

    The Council has a procurement policy to identify opportunities for collaboration and proactive participation in public procurement initiatives including utilising National and Regional Contracts.


  • How can I become a Council Supplier?

    The procedure Galway City Council uses to request tenders from Suppliers for goods, services or works will differ depending on the value of the contract and applicable thresholds and whether it is part of a drawdown centralised national framework.

    A "Quotation" is the relatively straightforward exercise of seeking a price for the supply of goods, services or works which are easily specified and of low value.

    A "tender" is the more formal and detailed exercise of obtaining sealed bids for services or works where the value is above certain thresholds, the specification will be detailed and special terms and conditions will apply.

    A Centralised National Framework is a Panel that is set up centrally for common goods, services or works for all the Public Sector including Local Authorities.

    Etenders the national public procurement website is a central facility to display and advertise all procurement opportunities, both above and below the EU thresholds. All centralised panels (called Frameworks) are published on by the Office of Government Procurement and by the Local Government Operational Procurement Centre (Kerry County Council).

    It is very important that your company is registered as a Supplier on and that you monitor the site to be aware of tendering opportunities with Galway City Council and other public sector organisations. When you are registering as a Supplier, please be sure to choose the correct CPV codes (Common Procurement Vocabulary) for your business area. You will then receive notification from etenders when tenders are published in your business area.

    The Council is bound by EU and national regulations and guidelines and must conduct business with suppliers in one of the following ways:

    Invitations to Quote and Tenders for Lower Value Contracts
    What Type of Contracts do Galway City Council request? What are the Contract Value thresholds? Where can I find out about this type of contract?

    Invitation to Quote

    The Council will carry out a less formal process of obtaining a minimum of 1 written quotation for lower value contracts from reputable suppliers.



    Invitation to Quote

    The Council will carry out a less formal process of obtaining a minimum of 3 written quotations from reputable suppliers.

    Invitation to Quote/Tender

    Quotations a minimum of three must be requested for lower value contract, for higher value contracts between this threshold an Invitation to Tender (ITT) may be published in local press or a formal Request for Tender procedure (RFT) maybe used through the etenders website. Suppliers respond directly to Galway City Council.

    Less than €1,000

    for all types of goods, services & works.


    €1,000 - €6,500

    For all types of goods and services or works.


    €6,500- €25,000 for goods or services and between €6,500 and €50,000 for works contracts.

    Contact Galway City Council directly for further details if you are interested in quoting for low value quotations.

    Contact Galway City Council directly for further details if you are interested in quoting for low value quotations.

    Advertised by Galway City Council in local press or on or as above for quotations.

    Invitation to Tender at National Value Contracts
    What Type of Contracts do Galway City Council request? What are the Contract Value thresholds? Where can I find out about this type of contract?

    Invitation to Tender

    A formal Tendering Procedure for goods supplies and works, where a Request for Tender Document (RFT) is prepared and advertised on . Suppliers respond directly to Galway City Council.

    The Procurement of Capital Works Contracts and Works related Services will use the Construction Procurement Capital Works Management Framework Documents see for further details on Construction Procurement.

    Above €25,000


    above €50,000 for works contracts (excluding VAT)

    Advertised by Galway City Council through the etenders portal
    Centralised National Frameworks Panels
    What Type of Contracts do Galway City Council request? What are the Contract Value thresholds? Where can I find out about this type of contract?
    Centralised Framework Panels conducted by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) on behalf of Galway City Council and all the public sector. Suppliers respond directly to the Office of Government Procurement. Further details can be obtained through OGP website . Over €25,000 Supplies and Services & Over €50,000 works (excluding VAT) Advertised by Office of Government Procurement through the etenders portal
    Centralised Framework Panels for Plant Hire and Minor Building & Civil Works conducted by the Local Government Strategic Operations Centre (LGSOC) in Kerry County Council on behalf of Galway City Council and all the public sector. Suppliers respond directly to the LGSOC in Kerry County Council. Further details can be obtained through Over €25,000 Supplies and Services & Over €50,000 works (excluding VAT)

    Advertised by Kerry County Council (LGSOC) through (first stage)

    and mini competitions thereafter through: formally

    EU Value Contracts
    For larger contracts for above EU thresholds Galway City Council must also advertise in the Official Journal of the European Union These thresholds are outlined on and


  • Where can I find Recent Contracts Awarded?

    Contracts awarded over €10k for ICT and over €25k for other Contracts. and


  • Contact Us

    For additional information in respect of procurement, please contact us at:

    Procurement Section,
    Finance Department,
    City Hall,
    College Road
    By Telephone: 091-536400 by email



  • Other useful links


    The Office of Government Procurement

    Phone Number: 1890 213 414


    Construction Procurement




    Supply Gov
