Environment Services

Environment Services

Waste Management

Abandoned Vehicles

In general Galway City Council is only permitted to remove vehicles from public property. The City Council will not enter private property to remove a vehicle, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Bulky Goods Collection

Local authorities may collect bulky goods such as large electrical items or furniture from households for disposal.

Construction and Demolition Waste

Local authorities regulate the disposal and recycling of construction and demolition waste such as soil, rubble, bricks, timber and plaster.

End of Life Vehicles

An End of Life Vehicle is an old car or van weighing no more than 3,500kgs or a three-wheel motor vehicle, which you feel, is no longer safe to keep driving and you wish to dispose of. It may also be a car or van that has been written off by an insurance firm following a car accident.

Household Waste Disposal

Please note the following information is intended only for Galway City householders. If you live outside the Galway City boundary please contact the relevant Local Authority.


Local authorities regulate the disposal of packaging waste by businesses.

Waste Bye laws

Illegal Dumping in our city, as well as being unsightly, causes significant harm to the environment and to wildlife.  It is also a potential fire hazard and risk to public health. 

Waste Collection Permit

The National Waste Collection Office in Offaly County Council issues waste collection permits to approved collectors or transporters of waste.

Access to Information on Environment

What rights do I have in relation to accessing information on the Environment?
You have the right to obtain certain environmental information from a public authority, such as a local authority.

This right to access Environmental information comes from Directive 2003/4/EC of the European Parliament, and the Access to Information on the Environment Regulations 2007 - 2011


Pay by Weight

Remember if you know your waste you can control your costs.

Tree and Hedge Maintenance

All public parks and open spaces within housing estate, that have been taken in charge by Galway City Council, are maintained by the Recreation & Amenity section of Galway City Council.

Community Funding

Amenity Grant Scheme

The Amenity Grant Scheme funding is available to support Resident Associations, Community Gardens and Allotment Schemes wishing to undertake Environmental type community initiatives which contribute towards the betterment of their local Environment.


Bring Banks

Local authorities may provide bring centres where you can recycle small household items such as glass, plastic, food and beverage cans and textiles.

Recycling Centre

The Galway City Council Recycling Centre provides a facility for residential customers of Galway City to bring and dispose of unwanted household or electrical items free of charge.

The centre is for Galway City residential customers only. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.

Markets and Trading

Casual Trading Licence

You must apply for licence to the local authority if you are a casual trader and you want to sell goods in a public place or designated trading area.

Burials and Cremations


Galway City Council has two cemeteries: The New Cemetery/Bohermore Cemetery and Mount St. Joseph Cemetery.

Litter Control

Community Clean-Up

Throughout the year community and business groups, residents’ associations, colleges, and schools help with keeping our beautiful City tidy by engaging in community clean ups.

Litter and Illegal Dumping

The definition of litter is quite wide and extends beyond casual pieces of paper or cigarette ends to anything large or small, which is or is likely to become, unsightly.

Temporary Signage

You must apply to the local authority for a permit to use temporary signage to advertise events.

Tidy Towns

The Tidy Towns competition is a national competition organised by the Department of Rural and Community Development.

Environmental Protection

Community Environment Action Fund

Local authorities may provide financial support to community groups, schools and environmental non governmental organisations to carry out small environmental projects to promote sustainable development.

Animal Welfare and Control

Control of Dogs

Galway City Council seeks to promote responsible dog ownership - the basis of which is licensing and control of dogs.

Business and Enterprise Support

Green Festivals and Events

Green your Festival is an initiative of participating local authorities in Ireland's Local Authority Prevention Network (LAPN), including Galway City Council.

Environmental Awareness

Greening the Laneways

As part of an exciting and collaborative new project, Galway City Council is partnering with local residents and young people in a number of local areas to ‘green’ city laneways and transform them into vibrant, playful and nature-friendly spaces for all of the community to enjoy.

Noise Control

Noise Nuisance

Local authorities may investigate complaints about excessive noise.

Community Development

Pride of Place Initiative

Pride of Place is an all-island competition which is directed towards recognising improvements by local communities to create civic pride in their area.

Public Health and Safety

Public Toilets

Local authorities may provide and maintain public toilets and cities, towns, harbours and coastal areas.

Air Quality


The Solvents Directive has made the following regulations which govern the operation of businesses which use solvents or solvent-containing materials, principally dry cleaners and vehicle refinishers...