The Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) was introduced to cater for the accommodation needs of persons who are in receipt of rent supplement, normally for more than 18 months, and who have a long term housing need as determined by Galway City Council.
The Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS) was introduced to cater for the accommodation needs of persons who are in receipt of rent supplement, normally for more than 18 months, and who have a long term housing need as determined by Galway City Council.
The Rates Revaluation is the process by which all rateable properties in a local authority area are valued at the same time, by reference to the same valuation date. This results in a more equitable distribution of commercial rates among ratepayers.
Room for a Student Local Authority Tenancies Scheme is a government initiative where local authority tenants are permitted to let out a room or rooms in their homes to third level students with the prior permission of the local authority, as the landlord.
Its main purpose is to improve the access and quality of Local Authority Services for people from disadvantaged communities. It helps to develop socially inclusive policies and projects across the range of local authority services in Galway.
Galway City Council Social Work is a consent based, voluntary service. We empower people to solve issues in their everyday lives, identify and understand sources of stress or difficulty, develop coping skills, and find solutions to their problems.