What can Galway City Council Social Work help with?
- Child and family matters.
- Marital and relationship issues.
- Needs of older people and vulnerable adults.
- Mental health and/or medical difficulties.
- Signposting and referral to relevant services.
- Advocacy and inter-agency co-ordination.
- Short term counselling and emotional support.
- Domestic Violence / intimate partner violence.
- Difficulties budgeting/managing finances.
- Difficulties accessing services.
- Complex discharges (e.g., hospital, prison).
- Homelessness and Homeless prevention support.
What kind of referrals will Galway City Council Social Work not accept?
- If you are already linked in with an appropriate existing service (where duplication of service would occur).
- If your referral is not appropriate to our service or the circumstances do not meet our service threshold.
- If the referral relates to another department within housing example:
Allocations Section
Homeless Services
Maintenance Section
Choice Based Lettings
Contact Us
Phone: 091 536400
Email: Socialworkdept@galwaycity.ie
By post: Social Work Department, Housing Section, Galway City Council, City Hall, College rd., Galway H91 X4K8
How do I refer to Galway City Council Social Work?
Please follow link below to complete social work referral form.