What is the Social Inclusion Unit?
The Social Inclusion Unit of Galway City Council was established in late 2008 with part funding from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government.
Its main purpose is to improve the access and quality of Local Authority Services for people from disadvantaged communities. It helps to develop socially inclusive policies and projects across the range of local authority services in Galway.
The overall effect of the Social Inclusion Unit is to add value to the services provided by Galway City Council.
What is Social Inclusion?
A socially inclusive society is a society where all people are recognised and accepted and have a sense of belonging. It ensures the fullest participation of all members of the community including minority groups such as travellers, older people, disabled people, refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, people from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and others, in decision-making processes.
People are living in poverty if their income and resources (material, cultural and social) are so inadequate as to preclude them from having a standard of living, which is regarded as acceptable by Irish society generally. As a result of low income and no resources people may be excluded from participating in activities, which are considered the norm for other people in society.
"Social Inclusion actively counters cumulative marginalisation from production (unemployment), from consumption (poverty), from social networks (community, family, neighbours), from decision-making and from an adequate quality of life"
(Strategy for Economic, Social and Cultural Development 2002-2012 ) -
What is the aim of the Social Inclusion Unit of Galway City Council?
The aim of the Social Inclusion Unit is to promote and embed Social Inclusion into the day to day work of Galway City Council.
- Creating an awareness of social inclusion among Council staff and elected members
- Working with other departments in the Council to help embed social inclusion
- Working with groups and organisations outside of the Council who are involved in social inclusion work
What and when is Social Inclusion Week?
Galway City Council Social Inclusion Week takes place Annually in October. Social Inclusion Week celebrates and showcases the vast array of initiatives taking place locally to tackle social exclusion, poverty and deprivation.
Galway City Council promotes Social Inclusion in the following ways to ensure that actions to counter social exclusion remain a high priority in Galway City and in Galway City Council:
- Joint Lead Partners of the Social Inclusion Group of the City Development Board
- Having an In-House Committee on Social Inclusion
- Having a Barcelona Declaration Project Team
Specific Projects relating to Social Inclusion are:
- Barcelona Declaration Project
- Disability Act, 2005
- RAPID Programme
- Local Government Anti Poverty Learning Network
- Galway City Anti-Racism Strategy
Access Officer Galway City Council
Contact housing.department@galwaycity.ie for further information.
I have a disability; can I get assistance with accessing a service provided by Galway City Council?
Galway City Council is committed to ensuring our services are accessible to everyone.
In accordance to our obligations under the Disability Act 2005, we have an Access Officer who will provide you with assistance in accessing our services.This officers will be able to help you by:
- Providing assistance in obtaining information regarding our services and policies.
- Assisting you in availing of our services with support in completing application forms, asking questions on your behalf and facilitating meetings between yourself and personnel within the organisation (non-advocacy service).
- Obtaining correspondence/publications in a format specific to your needs.
- Accessing certain areas of City Hall.
What services may be available to people with disabilities from Galway City Council?
- Housing Grant for People with a Disability
- Mobility Aids Housing Grants Scheme
- Housing Aid for Older People
Transport Services
- Disabled Persons Parking Permit
- Carers Parking Permit
- Disabled Car Park Badge (Irish Wheelchair Association)
Accessible Recreational Services
- Leisureland
Voting Services
- Postal Voters List Application
Community & Enterprise Section
- Access Officers
- Social Inclusion Unit
Human Resources Department
- Access to Employment for People with Disabilities
Social Inclusion
Its main purpose is to improve the access and quality of Local Authority Services for people from disadvantaged communities. It helps to develop socially inclusive policies and projects across the range of local authority services in Galway.