Rates Revaluation Project 2023

The Rates Revaluation is the process by which all rateable properties in a local authority area are valued at the same time, by reference to the same valuation date. This results in a more equitable distribution of commercial rates among ratepayers.

On 2nd September 2022, the Commissioner of Valuation, with the consent of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, revoked existing Valuation Orders for the revaluation of commercial and industrial properties in Clare, Donegal, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, Galway, Kerry and Mayo County Council and Galway City Council Rating Authority areas. 

National Revaluation Programme Leaflet (English)

National Revaluation Programme Leaflet (Irish)


Valuation Order

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commissioner of Valuation, with the agreement of the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, previously deferred the National Revaluation Programme in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Following these deferrals, it was necessary to revoke the Valuation Orders made for the rating authority areas of Clare, Donegal, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, Galway, Kerry and Mayo County Councils and Galway City Council.


Following the completion of a statutory consultation process between the Commissioner of Valuation, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the relevant Local Authorities, the Commissioner has made a new Valuation Order on the 6 September 2022 under section 21(5) of the Valuation Act 2001, as amended, for the rating authority of Galway City. This order provides for the completion of the initial revaluation in the Galway City Council rating authority area.


Please click on link to viewValuation order in English and Irish


Proposed valuation certs to issue 23rd September 2022


The valuation date specified for Reval 2023 is 1st February 2022. The market information has now been analysed and the Valuation Office will issue Proposed Valuation Certificates to all occupiers on 23rd September 2022 stating the proposed valuation in relation to their property. Occupiers should review all the details contained in the Proposed Valuation Certificate to ensure that they are correct. If you are not satisfied with the proposed valuation or with the details on your certificate, you should request a review by the closing date of 1st November 2022. Further information is available at www.valoff.ie


Calculating your proposed Rates Liability

The valuation on your Proposed Valuation Certificates is not your rates liability. Your rates liability will be calculated by multiplying the valuation of the property, set by the Valuation Office, by the Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV) which will be set by your Local Authority.


Proposed Rates Liability = Valuation x Indicative ARV 0.217


View the Valuations Office Indicative Rates Liability Calculator


Revaluation 2023: Key Dates


 2nd September 2022 Revocation of Valuation Orders by Commissioner of Valuation
6th September 2022 Making of Valuation Orders by Commissioner of Valuation
23rd September 2022 Commencement of issuing of Proposed Valuation Certificates to ratepayers in relevant rating authority areas.

3rd October 2022


7th October 2022

Walk in Clinics in Offices of Galway City Council
1st November 2022 Representations must be received within 40 days of date of issue of Proposed Valuation Certs. Representations can be made online at www.valoff.ie
15th September 2023 Issue of Final Valuation Certificates
22nd September 2023 Publication of new Valuation Lists for each Rating Authority Area
1st January 2024 New valuations become effective for Rates purposes across the relevant Local Authorities.


Where can I get further information on Revaluation 2023?


The Valuation Office will hold 'Walk In' Clinics in the offices of Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway following the issuing of Proposed Valuation Certificates.


Valuation Office staff will be present to answer queries relating to the Proposed Valuation Certificates for Reval 2023.  They will explain the revaluation process and offer guidance on making representations.   


If you are not satisfied with the proposed valuation or with the details on your certificate, you should ensure you attend one of the ‘Walk In’ Clinics as outlined below, no appointment is necessary.


The walk in clinics will take place from the following times


Monday, 3rd October 2022 10.00 am - 4.00 pm 
Tuesday, 4th October 2022 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
Wednesday, 5th October 2022 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
Thursday, 6th October 2022 9.30 am - 4.00 pm

Please note the latest date to make representations on your Proposed Valuation Cert is 1st November 2022

 Further information:

Customers must contact The Valuation Office with any queries in regard to this process using the details below:

Phone: 01 817 1033 or Lo-Call 1800 531 431

Email: reval2023@valoff.ie

 The phone lines are open from 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)


Further information can also be found here: Valuation Office Website