Age Friendly Ireland is the organisation responsible for the national Age Friendly Programme, affiliated to the World Health Organization’s [WHO] Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities.
Galway Sports Partnership is an initiative of the Irish Sports Council to create a national structure to co-ordinate and promote the development of sport at local level.
As Galway City grows, so does our need for spaces for recreation, rest, play and nature. For this reason, Galway City Council is currently developing a Green Spaces Strategy.
Healthy Green Spaces is a new Initiative under taken by the Recreation & Amenity Dept. in 2019 and following a selection process are now working with a number of community/residents groups in the city on what is envisaged to be a five year project.
The LCDC is a committee made up of representatives from the local government and local development sectors, including public bodies and representatives of social, economic, environmental and community interests.
Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs) will bring all the relevant state services and the community together at local authority level. This will build on the work undertaken through Joint Policing Committees and supplement it by ensuring that all other relevant stakeholders necessary to constitute a more holistic forum for discussion, decisions and action on community priorities are present.