Galway City Age Friendly Programme

Age Friendly Ireland is the organisation responsible for the national Age Friendly Programme, affiliated to the World Health Organization’s [WHO] Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities.

What is Age Friendly Ireland?

Age Friendly Ireland is the organisation responsible for the national Age Friendly Programme, affiliated to the World Health Organization’s [WHO] Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities. The programme involves a multiagency, multi-sectoral approach to age-related planning and service provision. Age Friendly Ireland supports cities and counties to be more inclusive of older people by addressing their expressed concerns and interests under the eight pillars of the World Health Organization’s global programme.

Age Friendly Ireland operates as a shared service centre of local government hosted by Meath County Council. The shared service centre supports a network of 31 local Age Friendly Programmes which are led by local authorities, and which involve many stakeholders from other public bodies, universities, community/voluntary and private sector partners. The shared service supports a number of strategic national structures and provides technical guidance to its networks.

What is Age Friendly Galway City?

Age Friendly Galway City is delivered by Galway City Council and works to improve the services and facilities that our older people have identified as being important to them, and the wider community, as they live healthy and active lives.   The programme involves a multiagency, multi-sectoral approach to age-related planning and service provision.   Our projects, in partnership with other organisations and agencies, include: 


    • Outdoor Spaces and Buildings  
    • Transportation  
    • Housing  
    • Respect and Social Inclusion  
    • Social Participation  
    • Communication and Education  
    • Civic Participation and Employment  
    • Health and Wellbeing  

The key contributors to the age friendly programme are the Age Friendly Alliance and Galway City Older People’s Council. 

Who are the Older Persons Council?

The Galway City’s Older People’s Council (OPC) represents the voice of older people in Galway City. It is a key stakeholder group of the Galway City Age Friendly Programme and aims to ensure consistency of services, supports and outcomes of the Galway Age-Friendly Strategy. Its members attend the Age Friendly Alliance Meetings of the Galway City’s Age Friendly Programme. 

Who are the Galway Age Friendly Alliance?

The Alliance is a voluntary partnership made up of representatives from the following public sector agencies in the area and other organisations that promote a positive approach to ageing.


    • Galway City and County Council 
    • The Health Service Executive 
    • An Garda Síochána
    • GRETB 
    • University of Galway 
    • Údarás na Gaeltachta
    • COPE Galway
    • Galway Rural Development 
    • Galway City Partnership 
    • Forum Connemara 
    • Galway City Community Network 
    • Galway PPN 
    • Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) 
    • Croí na Gaillimhe (SVP)
    • Local Link – Bealach na Gaillimhe 
    • Volunteer Galway

What is the Directory of services?

The Directory of Services for Older People in Galway City & County provides a wealth of useful information not only for older people and their families, but also for carers and service providers.   Its user-friendly format covers information on many of the activities, services, and supports available for older people in Galway City & County.  

Directory of Services for Older People in Galway City and County

What is the Age Friendly Galway City & County newsletter?

The Age Friendly newsletter is a quarterly newsletter for Older People living in Galway City & County.  It is full of news and useful information and includes events taking place around the city and county.

Quarter 1 2024 Age Friendly Galway City and County OPC Newsletter 

If you’d like to find out more about this programme, please