Green Spaces Strategy

As Galway City grows, so does our need for spaces for recreation, rest, play and nature. For this reason, Galway City Council is currently developing a Green Spaces Strategy.

As Galway City grows, so does our need for spaces for recreation, rest, play and nature. For this reason, Galway City Council is currently developing a Green Spaces Strategy. 

This strategy will be used by the council to make and shape decisions such as making new playgrounds and outdoor facilities, whilst enhancing the natural and built heritage of Galway City. 

Galway City Council and ARUP with support from Connect the Dots would like to invite everyone in Galway City’s community to have a say in how Galway City’s parks, woodlands, beaches could be protected and improved. 

Local knowledge and feedback about the city’s parks, woodlands, and beaches and how they can be improved is vital in the development of this Strategy.  Where feasible and beneficial, suggestions received during the public consultation will be incorporated into the Green Spaces strategy.

How can I get involved? 

Stage 1: 
Survey: You can complete a short survey, available both online and in hard copy in city libraries. It’s a chance for you to tell us how you use the parks, woodlands and beaches in the city and how they may be improved. Feedback is welcome before 4th June 2023.  The online version is available as follows. 

General Survey (for completion by adults)

Youth Survey (for completion by young people)

Stage 2: 
Workshops: Join us at one of our workshops. A total of 3 will be held across Galway City. This will be an opportunity for the people of Galway to give more detailed feedback on their own personal experience and offer suggestions on how the city’s parks, beaches and woodlands could be improved or added to (Please note that the 3 workshops will be the same but will be repeated to provide flexibility - so you only need to attend one session! 

Register for a workshop near you: Workshop Registration

Stage 3: 
Public Meeting: Come to our public meeting. This will be a chance to hear all about the key findings from the workshops and how feedback has been fed into the design of the strategy so far. This will be the last opportunity for any final feedback on the strategy.

Stage 4:
Webinar: Tune into our webinar, where the finalised strategy and implementation plan will be presented to the public. This event will be held online. 

You can reach us with any questions at Please use ‘Galway Green Space Strategy’ as the subject description of your email.