These allotments are plots of land leased to local community members to enable them to grow their own fruit and vegetables. They provide a great amenity to the city with many benefits provided to the plot-holders and their families, from fresh air to home grown produce.
As Galway City grows, so does our need for spaces for recreation, rest, play and nature. For this reason, Galway City Council is currently developing a Green Spaces Strategy.
This information sets out what is meant by the term ‘taking in charge’, who can seek to have a completed development taken in charge and the procedures involved.
This is intended as a practical guide. It is not a definitive legal interpretation of planning law. For further information, you should contact Galway City Council Transportation Department.
Local authorities, together with public transport providers, may provide park and ride facilities so that people can park their car in a designated car park and transfer to public transport.
Pay and Display is the main type of parking available within Galway City. You purchase a ticket from a pay and display ticket machine in advance that entitles you to park on designated city streets or public car parks, for a set duration of time.
Local authorities may provide and maintain public parks which offer facilities such as pathways, cycleways, playground, skateboarding areas, playing pitches, outdoor gyms, tea rooms, and performance and exhibition areas.