Complaints and Appeals

How do I contact the Customer Service Department of Galway City Council? The provision of quality Customer Service is a priority for Galway City Council. If you cannot find an answer to your query on the Galway City Council website, then you can contact the Customer Service Centre who will assist with your query.

  • The Customer Service Centre can be contacted by


  • Where can I access Galway City Council’s Customer Service Action Plan 2021 - 2024?

    This Customer Service Action Plan has been developed following the adoption of Galway City Council’s Corporate Plan 2021 – 2024. The Corporate Plan sets out the Council’s core values, principle objectives and the strategies for achieving these objectives over its lifetime. 

    Galway City Council's Customer Service Action Plan 2021-2024



  • How do I provide Customer Feedback to Galway City Council?

    Galway City Council welcomes all feedback (positive or negative) from our customers.

    We encourage customers to provide this feedback to us in writing


  • What is the difference between a Customer Complaint and an Appeal?

    If you have issue with or are unhappy with a decision or aspect of our service, we want to know about it so that we can try to resolve it.

    A complaint indicates dissatisfaction with the manner in which the Council engages with, or responds to its customers in delivering its services.

    An appeal indicates dissatisfaction with a decision of the Council regarding

    • the provision of a service
    • your entitlement to a service or a benefit relating to a service
    • activities, which are subject to regulation by the Council.

    Information on making a customer complaint

    Information on making an appeal


  • How do I make a Customer Complaint?

    If you wish to make a complaint about the quality of service you have received then you may phone or ask to speak to the Officer in charge of the area to which the complaint refers.

    If you wish to make a formal complaint, you should complete a Customer Complaint Form.
    Download Galway City Council Customer Service Complaint Form (DOC, 24 kb)

    The complaint should be sent by post or presented in person to:
    Corporate Affairs, Galway City Council, College Road, Galway.

    You may also email your complaint to

    When submitting a complaint by email, please state on your email that you wish to make a formal complaint.


  • What is Galway City Council's Complaint & Appeals Procedure?

    Customer Service Complaints

    All complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with properly, fairly and impartially.

    Where a mistake has been made by Galway City Council, we will apologise, endeavour to explain what happened and rectify the issue, where possible.

    Where appropriate, we will review our procedures and make the necessary changes to avoid a reoccurrence of the issue.

    The Corporate Services Section will monitor the Complaints Procedure.

    If a customer is still unhappy with how the complaint was dealt with by the Officer in charge of the area to which the complaint refers, the decision can be appealed.

    Customer Service Appeals
    The Customer Service Appeal must be made in writing, stating the grounds for the appeal and forwarded to Corporate Services Section, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway.

    The Director of Services for Corporate Affairs will then nominate an appropriate Officer to deal with the appeal.

    In acknowledging receipt of a Customer Service Appeal an indicative length of time will be given for dealing with the appeal.


  • How do I appeal a decision of Galway City Council?

    Appeals should be made in writing to an officer who is more senior than the decision-maker, and the grounds for making the appeal should also be outlined.

    In acknowledging receipt of a service appeal, an indicative length of time will be given for dealing with the appeal. You will be notified of the outcome of the appeal in writing.

    Appeals should be sent in writing to Corporate Services, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway.

    The appeal submission should state that you are submitting a formal appeal.

    Statutory Appeals:

    If you are not satisfied with our final response regarding complaints or appeals you can contact the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is fair, independent, and free to use.

     The Ombudsman will ask you for details of your complaint and a copy of our final response to your complaint.  The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:

    ·  Clicking on the ‘Make A Complaint’ link at 

    ·  Writing to: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773 or  

    ·  Calling the Ombudsman on 01 639 5600 if you have any queries or if you need help making your complaint.


  • Where can I access Galway City Council's Customer Charter?

    Galway City Council's Customer Charter reads as follows:

    The provision of quality Customer Service and Care is a key priority for Galway City Council.

    Galway City Council is committed to providing an excellent quality service to all our customers in an effective, fair, respectful, confidential and non-discriminatory manner. This customer charter sets out the principles of quality customer service you may expect from Galway City Council.

    Quality Service Standards

    We will ensure compliance with the quality service standards set out in our Customer Service Action Plan 2021 – 2024.

    Equality, Diversity & Human Rights

    We will ensure equal treatment of all and embrace and foster the city’s diversity and strive for equal outcomes for all groups, in line with our Public Sector Duty on equality and human rights. We will work to identify and eliminate barriers to access to services for people experiencing poverty and social exclusion.

    Openness and Impartiality

    We will deal with you in a fair and open manner. We will discuss any aspects of your dealings with us and we will explain how a decision was reached.

    Physical Access

    We will provide clean, accessible public offices that comply with occupational and safety standards and facilitate access for people with disabilities and special needs.


    ·  We will provide clear, helpful, accurate and up-to- date information that can be easily understood.

    ·  We will use simple language and only use technical/legal terms when necessary.

    ·  We will ensure our website and social media are kept up-to-date.

    ·  We will protect your information in compliance with Data Protection Regulations.

    Timeliness and Courtesy

    ·  We will treat all customers promptly, courteously and with sensitivity while having due regard to privacy and confidentiality.

    ·  We will be professional and helpful and will provide staff contact names to ensure ease of ongoing transactions.


    ·  We will aim to provide choice, where feasible, in payment methods, access to services and service delivery.

    ·  We will maximise the use of technology to improve service delivery and to provide online access to services where we can.

    Consultation & Evaluation

    ·  We will provide a structured approach to meaningful consultation with, and participation by, our customers in relation to the development, delivery and review of services.

    ·  We will monitor and evaluate our services and performance against the commitments in this Charter and continue to review our Customer Services.

    ·  We will encourage customers to provide feedback (positive or negative) with regard to the quality of service they have received.

    Services in other Languages

    We will accommodate our customers who wish to conduct their business through Irish or Irish Sign Language and other languages where possible.


    ·  We will carry out our work with honesty and integrity to the highest professional standards across all our services ensuring decisions are made in the best public interest.

    ·  We will monitor compliance and complete annual reviews of standards and performance and publish details of performance achieved against service indicators across the range of Council services in our Annual Report.

     Better Co-Ordination

    We will encourage a more coordinated and integrated approach to the delivery of services to our customers.

    Internal Customer

    ·  We will ensure staff are recognised as internal customers and that they are properly trained, supported and consulted in the services they deliver.

    ·  We will use communications channels to support and respond to the important representational, corporate governance and community leadership roles of the Elected Members.

    Complaints & Appeals

    We will provide customers with an accessible, transparent and user-friendly complaints and appeals procedure for people who are unhappy with our quality of service - details of which can be found at appeals


  • Who can I go to if I am not happy with a decision on my Complaint/Appeal?

    If you feel that you have been unfairly treated or are not satisfied with our decision on your complaint, it is open to you to contact the Office of the Ombudsman.

    By law the Ombudsman can investigate complaints about any of our administrative actions or procedures as well as delays or inaction in your dealings with us.

    The Ombudsman provides an impartial, independent and free dispute resolution service.

    Contact details are as follows:

    Address: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773 

    Phone: +353 1 639 5600

    Twitter: @OfficeOmbudsman

