Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029

The Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the City over the plan period. The plan has been prepared in accordance with the steps set out in the Planning and Development Acts.

The Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 sets out the policies and objectives for the development of the City over the plan period. The plan has been prepared in accordance with the steps set out in the Planning and Development Acts.

Adopted Plan 

The Elected Members of Galway City Council adopted the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 at the Full Council Meeting held on Thursday 24th November 2022 and it came into effect from Wednesday 4th of January 2023.

The City Development Plan is available to view below together with all documentation produced throughout the plan making process. These are also available to view and download on the online consultation portal All documents are also available for inspection at the Planning Department, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8, during opening hours.

This is a six year development plan for the City and it is expected to remain in force (subject to any interim variations that the Council may make) until 2029.

Adopted Plan Documents

Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029

Land Use Zoning Map A

Galway City Centre Map B

Appropriate Assessment Report

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

Strategic Environmental Assessment


Other Documents

Galway City Housing Strategy & Housing Need & Demand Assessment 2023-2029


Urban Density and Building Height Study



Section 31 Ministerial Direction

Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 - Notice of Draft Direction issued by the Minister pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

On 13th January, 2023, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage notified Galway City Council of his intention to issue a Draft Direction pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) in relation to a number of matters in the adopted Galway City Development Plan 2023. 

The Ministerial Draft Direction was subject to public consultation for a period of two weeks from Friday 20th January 2023 to Friday 3rd February 2023 at 4pm. 

The closing date for receipt of submissions was 3rd February 2023 at 4pm. Please note that late submissions /observations cannot be considered.

The following are attached for your information:

 Public Notice – Irish/English

The Draft Direction issued by the Minister

The Notice Letter issued by the Minister

Updated Report – Particulars of  Ministerial Draft Direction

If you have any queries with regard to the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029, please contact the Development Plan and Policy Section, Planning Department, Galway City Council at 091 536599 or by email to

Following this public consultation period, the Chief Executive has prepared a CE Report summarising submissions made to the Planning Authority. A copy of this report is required to be furnished to the OPR, the Elected Members and the Minister.

The report is available below for your information:

Chief Executive's Report on Submissions Received in Relation to the Draft Ministerial Direction

The Minister of State for Local Government and Planning on the 3rd May 2023 issued a Direction pursuant to Section 31 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) in relation to the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029. Pursuant to Section 31(17) of the Act, this Direction is deemed to have immediate effect and its terms are considered to be incorporated into the plan from that date. A copy of the Direction may be inspected during normal opening hours at the Planning Office, Galway City Council, College Road, Galway, H91 F798 and on the City Council website and online consultation portal

Direction Letter

Section 31 Direction

Galway City Council is in the process of incorporating the Direction into the City Development Plan 2023-2029 and a finalised version of the Plan will be made available shortly.

Making of the Plan (Previous Steps)

Stage One- Pre-Draft Plan

Galway City Council commenced the review of the current Galway City Development Plan 2017-2023 on 7th January 2021 for the preparation of a new City Development Plan for the period 2023 to 2029. To inform this process, a strategic issues paper was prepared. The Strategic Issues Paper – Our City, Our Future – Have your Say was published alongside the public notice of intention to review the current Galway City Development Plan 2017-2023 on January 2021.

The issue paper set out the purpose of the development plan, the stages of plan preparation, the policy context and an overview of eight strategic issues namely population and housing; economic development, employment and enterprise; transport and sustainable mobility; built environment, place making and sustainable neighbourhoods; green network and biodiversity; climate action; community, culture and education; energy and infrastructure and environmental assessments. Each section provided an overview of key policy developments in the area, a series of key questions and links to further information.

Online Portal -

An online consultation portal was developed and launched as part of this Stage 1 Pre -Draft public consultation. The portal will remain live for the duration of the preparation of the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029.

The consultation portal facilitates digital engagement across all devices including mobile, tablet and laptops/pc. The portal allows users to view and download all consultation documents, make a submission and search and view all other submissions made.

The portal also streamlines the management of the consultation process for the planning authority as it allows publication of submissions received via post and email, facilitates moderation and allows thematic analysis. 

A Pre-Draft Plan consultation phase ran for an 8-week period from Thursday 7th January 2021 and Friday 5th March 2021.  The public and stakeholders were invited to engage with the process to help develop objectives and policies that see our city develop and grow. This process offers an opportunity to examine the current development plan vision and policy and to progress a new plan which will guide the future growth of the City to 2029 and into the longer term, in a way which aims to be sustainable and inclusive for all.

The preparation of a development plan is a two year process and includes for various stages.  These stages out outlined below with the links to relevant documents for each stage included.


Strategic Issues Paper

Executive Summary

Public Notice              

A Chief Executive Report on the pre-draft plan was prepared in accordance with Section 11(4) 

All documents are available here: 

Stage Two- Draft Plan

A Draft Development Plan was prepared and went on public display from Friday 28th of January 2022 to Wednesday the 13th of April 2022 (inclusive).

The Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 set out Galway City Council’s policies and objectives to guide the sustainable development of the City over the lifetime of the Plan to 2029. It provided an integrated, coherent spatial framework which was prepared following extensive consultation with members of the public, statutory bodies and relevant stakeholders.

The Draft Galway City Development Plan consisted of the following:

·         Volume 1: Written Statement 

·         Volume 2: Maps 

·         Volume 3: Environmental Assessments of the Plan namely the SEA Environmental Report, Natura Impact Report (NIR) and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) 

Submissions/observations were invited on any aspect of the plan during the public display period and could be made by the following means:

Full details are set out in the public notice:View Public Notice

Submissions/observations are invited from all and can be made by the following means:

Please make your submission/observation in one form only i.e. online, by email or hard copy by post. Submissions should be titled “Draft City Development Plan”.

Submissions to the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 are now closed. 


Public notice (PDF 475 kb)Draft Development Plan - High Resolution (64 Mb PDF)Draft Development Plan - Low Resolution (36 Mb PDF)City Map (high res PDF )City Centre Map (high res PDF)SEA Environmental Report (PDF)Natura Impact ReportStrategic Flood Risk Assessment (PDF)

Supporting Documentation

Housing Strategy & HNDAUrban Density and Building Heights Strategy

Chief Executive’s Report on Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 Public Consultation

Public consultation on the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 took place from Friday 28th January 2022 to Wednesday 13th April 2022

A total of 230 submissions were received during the Draft Plan public consultation period.

A Chief Executive’s Section 12 (8) Report was prepared and issued to Elected Members on 16 June 2022. The Chief Executive’s report summarised all submissions received and provided a response and recommendation, where relevant, to issues raised. All submissions received are available below:

View the Chief Executive’s Report on Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 Public Consultation


Stage Three- Proposed Material Alterations

Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029

The Material Alterations Report details the proposed material alterations to the Draft Galway City Development Plan written statement and maps. This report should be read in conjunction with the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029.

The Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029, accompanying maps and associated environmental assessments were available for inspection from Thursday 8th September to Thursday 6th October 2022, inclusive. Copies of the documents are available to view and download online at and  and hard copies of the documents were available for inspection at the following locations during normal opening hours:

·       Planning Office, Galway City Council, College Road, Galway; Galway City Library; Westside Library; Ballybane  Library

Written submissions/observations could be made by:

·       Using the online submission portal following registration at

·       By email to  

·       By posting your submission/observation to Senior Planner, Planning Department, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8.

The closing date for receipt of submissions/observations was 4pm on Thursday 6th October 2022.

1. Proposed Material Alterations to Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029

2. Addendum to Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report

3. Draft Natura Impact Statement-Updated

4. Draft Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report-Updated

5. Addendum Draft Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Report

6. Public notice pdf

7. Proposed Material Alterations Map


A Chief Executive’s Report has been prepared and was issued to Elected Members on 26 October 2022. The Chief Executive’s Report summarises all submissions received and provides a response and recommendation, where relevant, to issues raised. 

 CE Report Proposed Material Alterations CDP 2023-2029_VOLUME 1.pdf

CE Report Proposed Material Alterations CDP 2023-2029_VOLUME 2.pdf

The Elected Members considered the Chief Executive’s report at Council Meetings held in November 2022 to facilitate this process.