Local Economic and Community Plan

The primary aim of the LECP is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of Galway City both by Galway City Council directly, and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.

The primary aim of the LECP is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of Galway City both by Galway City Council directly, and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.   As the framework for the economic development and community development of Galway City, the LECP will be the primary mechanism at local level to bring forward relevant actions arising from national and regional strategies and policies that have a local remit.

Galway City Council has the primary responsibility for leading economic, social and community development in the city. The LECP was developed to reflect this responsibility under Section 66 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by section 44 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014.  Both economic and community elements are integrated into the LECP and the overall process was guided by an Advisory Steering Group established in 2022 and who met in 2023 to guide the planning process.

The LECP Framework 2024 – 2029 details 5 High-Level Goals and 17 Sustainable Community and Economic Objectives. 

The LECP Implementation Plan 2024-2025 is based on the High-Level Objectives outlined in the LECP Framework 2024 – 2029.   63 actions are contained in the Implementation Plan 2024 - 2025 as well as relevant key outcomes to facilitate evaluation.  c.75% of the actions will be delivered directly by Galway City Council while 25% will be delivered in partnership with other agencies / directly by other agencies.

The elected members of Galway City Council adopted the LECP Framework Plan 2024 – 2029 and LECP Implementation Plan 2024 – 2025 at their January 2024 meeting following the comprehensive process undertaken in line with national guidelines and legislation and subject to the satisfactory completion of all necessary assessments, consents and approvals.

Local Economic and Community Framework Plan 2024 - 2029
Local Economic and Community Implementation Plan 2024-2025
Screening AA Report
Screening SEA Report
AA Determination
SEA Determination
Local Economic and Community Issues Paper 2022

What is a Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)?
 The primary aim of LECP is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of Galway City both by Galway City Council directly, and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.


Who prepares the LECP?
The community element has been prepared by the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).

The economic element has been prepared by Galway City Council, through the Economic, Community and Cultural Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC). Both elements have been integrated into a Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) and adopted by the City Council. An Advisory Steering Group was established to assist in the preparation, drafting, adoption and monitoring of the LECP.

The plan is consistent with the core strategies and objectives of the Galway City Development Plan, the Regional Planning Guidelines and regional spatial and economic strategies.


What is the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)?
The LCDC is a committee made up of representatives from the local government and local development sectors, including public bodies and representatives of social, economic, environmental and community interests.

The purpose of the LCDC is to develop, co-ordinate and implement a coherent and integrated approach to local and community development. The Galway City LCDC has 15 members and was first established in 2014. The chairperson of the Galway City LCDC is Cllr. Martina O'Connor, Elected Member.


What is the Economic, Community and Cultural Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC)?
The SPC is a committee made up of 8 representatives from the local government sector and 4 other sectoral representatives.

The purpose of the SPC is to assist in the Council’s decision making process and to advise on and formulate policy relating to Economic, Community and Cultural Development before being considered for adoption by the elected representatives of the full Council.

The Galway City Council Economic, Community and Cultural Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) was first established in 2014 and met for the first time in February 2015. The chairperson is Cllr. Niall McNelis.


What is involved in preparing the LECP?
There are five main phases involved in the preparation of the LECP:

1. Preparation: A socio economic summary for Galway City, describing the social and economic situation and outlining high level goals, is prepared using the best available evidence.

2. Public consultation: The public and interested organisations were invited to give their views on the Socio Economic Summary and the high level goals for Galway City.

3. Development of actions: Clear, measurable actions were developed to achieve the community, social and economic priorities identified for Galway City over the next six years.

4. Finalising the plan: The LCDC and SPC considered feedback from the public and interested organisations before finalising the plan by December 2023.

5. Monitoring and review of the implementation of the plan: There will be regular reviews of the implementation of the LECP by the SPC and LCDC until 2025.

What are the five high level goals identified in the Local Economic and Community Framework Plan 2024-2029?
Five high level goals were identified for Galway City, based on what the stakeholders perceive to be the key priorities for the social, community and economic development of the city.

Goal 1. a world-class creative city region.

Goal 2. an innovative city.

Goal 3. an equal and inclusive city.

Goal 4. a sustainable and resilient city.

Goal 5. a city that promotes health and wellbeing.
