As the local authority for Ireland’s third largest city - a leader in culture, education and business - Galway City Council is delivering services for a population of 83,456, with a 2024 budget of over €121,374,000.
Local authorities provide over 1,100 services, across areas as diverse as beach maintenance, dog pounds, health promotion, strategic planning, tourism promotion, and housing supply.
The ‘Galway City - Your Council’ podcast introduces some of the people delivering these services, and the valuable work they do every day in our city.
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If you’d like to suggest people you’d like to hear from, or topics you’re interested in, get in touch with
Episode 25: Leonard Cleary, Chief Executive, Galway City Council
In the final episode of Series Two of the ‘Galway City – Your Council’ podcast, we meet Leonard Cleary, who became Chief Executive of Galway City Council in May 2024.
Leonard has over 26 years of experience in local government having held several senior leadership roles in Clare County Council, including in Housing, Tourism, Human Resources, and Community and Rural Development.
In this episode, Leonard speaks about some of the challenges and opportunities facing Galway City in the years ahead.
You can listen back to 24 previous episodes covering a range of roles from school warden to engineer to arts officer wherever you get your podcasts, or stream from
Episode 24 - Kate Howard, Night Time Economy Advisor
In Episode 24 of the Galway City - Your Council podcast, we meet Galway City Council’s first ‘Night Time Economy Officer’, Kate Howard.
This is a new role and a new area of work for Galway City, which is one of eight pilot Night Time Economy cities and towns in Ireland.
The Night-Time Economy (NTE) encompasses a broad range of stakeholders, and offers diverse activities such as cultural events, entertainment, hospitality, festivals, community, sports, and retail, between 6pm and 6am. The vision for Galway's Night-Time Economy is to build upon and maintain Galway’s vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive night-time experience for residents, workers, and visitors.
Kate speaks about her role, the Galway City Night Time Economy Action Plan, recent pilots such as Youth Lates and Café Lates, and the opportunities for Galway City to build a more vibrant, inclusive, diverse night time economy.
Kate has a background in fine art, and as a cultural producer, creating and producing exciting and unforgettable arts and cultural experiences.
Read more about Galway by Night at www.ThisisGalway/NightTime
Episode 23 – Robert Steed, Craft Gardener
Robert Steed is a Craft Gardener with the Recreation and Amenity Department of Galway City Council.
Having studied Countryside Management in Aberystwyth in Wales, Robert amassed a wealth of experience in habitat management – in Inland Fisheries, in arboriculture/ tree management, as a Wildlife Ranger in the Burren, and now in Galway City Council with the Healthy Green Spaces project.
Healthy Green Spaces works with residents’ associations across the city – collaborating with Robert to design, create and manage summer native wildflower meadows, supporting our native pollinators and biodiversity in Galway City.
Robert talks about his journey from a childhood steeped in nature and wildlife, to his current role and work in Galway City Council.
Episode 22 - Ruth Mulhern, Arts Officer
In episode 22 of the ‘Galway City – Your Council’, we meet Ruth Mulhern, Arts Officer.
The arts are an integral part of the identity of the City of Galway, with the Arts Office playing a key role in supporting and facilitating artists and the creative community in the city.
Ruth has extensive experience in the arts and business – having studied history of art and archaeology, working in outreach in the National Gallery of Ireland, running a successful restaurant, and as artist liaison and curator in the Clonmel Junction Festival, among other roles.
Ruth discusses the role of the Arts Officer, and initiatives including Culture Night, Creative Ireland, Percent for Art, grants and bursaries.
Episode 21 - Paul Fallon, Integration Support Coordinator
Meet Paul Fallon, Integration Support Coordinator in the Integration Support Service team at Galway City Council.
The Integration Support Service is a new service in Irish local authorities, with the Galway City team coming into place in March 2024.
The integration team provide support to asylum seekers and refugees as they integrate into their local area, including setting up on-site clinics at direct provision centres.
Paul coordinates the work of a team of four, who have a variety of backgrounds including social care and community development.
Paul has over 20 years’ experience working with asylum-seekers and refugees and a background in international human rights. He has worked in South Africa and Palestine, among other countries, and is now bringing this extensive knowledge to Galway City Council’s new team.
In this episode, Paul discusses the work of his team - which was primarily delivered through charities and NGOs previously – and the importance of the role of the local authority in supporting new communities in Ireland.
Episode 20: Anne Quinn – School Warden
In this episode, we meet a School Warden who is looking after the children of Galway City for almost five decades!
Anne Quinn is a School Warden in east Galway City.
Anne is the city’s longest serving warden with 48 years’ experience guiding our most vulnerable road users on their journey to school.
Anne speaks about her role as a warden, what she enjoys most about the role, and how behaviour on the road has changed over her time watching over children on the school run.
Episode 19 - Tiarnan McCusker, Community Climate Action Officer
The ‘Galway City – Your Council’ Podcast is back!
In the first episode of the new series, we meet Galway City Council’s Community Climate Action Officer Tiarnan McCusker.
Tiarnan has extensive experience working with children and young people taking positive action for the environment, as a Green-Schools Travel Officer, and Environmental Awareness Officer in Galway City council.
Tiarnan talks to Fergal about changing the narrative around Climate to one of positive action, and some of the Climate Action projects and initiatives on-going in Galway City Council.
He tells Fergal about the origins of his interest in environmental issues, including a week spent dry stone walling in Fermanagh in the sunshine as a teenager with Conservation Volunteers, to studying Geography in Liverpool.
Listen whereever you get your podcasts from Tuesday 19 November 2024
Episode 18 - Brian Sheridan, Harbour Master, Port of Galway
In the final episode of the first series of ‘Galway City – Your Council’, Fergal meets Brian Sheridan, Harbour Master of the Port of Galway, to find out more about the role of a Harbour Master, and the importance of the Port to Galway City now, and in the past.
Brian joined the Port of Galway in December 1999 having been Master with the Danish shipping A.P. Møller where his expertise lies in the carriage of LPG and chemical gazes.
Brian was instrumental in bringing the high profile Volvo Ocean Race to Galway in 2009 and 2012 – showcasing Galway to a worldwide audience.
Brian came into this work as a result of his keen interest in the sea from a leisure and environmental perspective. Also, his father Frank and uncle Gordon were master mariners so there is some saltwater flowing in his veins!
When he’s not overseeing operations in the Port and planning for the future, Brian enjoys sailing and hanging out with his Grandson Conall.
Galway Harbour Company is the company that operates the Port of Galway.
The ownership of the Port of Galway transferred from the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport to Galway City Council since 2021.
Episode 17 - Marcus Ó Conaire, Irish Language Officer
This week, Fergal speaks with Marcus Ó Conaire, Irish Language Officer.
Marcus is tasked with facilitating Irish language use and visibility in Galway, where you’ll regularly see and hear Gaeilge on the city streets and in shops!
Cainteoir dúchais é Marcus, growing up in Cois Fharraige, part of Galway’s Gaeltacht. His background is science, research and teaching and in recent years he was Project Officer for the Interreg EU project improving business opportunities in the Atlantic Area’s Blue Economy.
In this episode, you will hear a great chat about the role of the Irish language in the history, geography and culture of Galway. Galway City Council is providing and enabling the provision of Irish language services and policy through their Plean Teanga.
If you’re inspired to get your comhrá going again, you can find information on Irish language classes in Galway City at
If you have a business and are interested in going bilingual, contact Gaillimh le Gaeilge to find out about their supports for businesses.
Below are links to other great resources online to get you started with Gaeilge again!
Radio: Raidió na Gaeltachta Raidió Rí-Rá Raidio na Life
Books and media: Cló Iar-Chonnacht
Entertainment: Club Áras na nGael, An Taibhdhearc
Services in Irish: and
Some great resources for learners can also be found the language synthesis site
English terminology/expressions to Irish at
Teanglann Irish-English dictionary and all resources including placenames at (see téarma, foclóir, teanglann, gaois, logainm tabs).
Episode 16 - Paula Kearney, Biodiversity Officer
This week in Galway City Your Council, Fergal meets the first Galway City Council Biodiversity Officer - Paula Kearney.
Paula holds a BSc Ecology and Environmental Science, H.Dip Planning and Environmental Law, and is a Chartered Ecologist.
In a professional career which spans over 20 years, Paula has provided strategic advice and managed multi-disciplinary inputs for Environmental Impact Assessments on a wide-range of projects including wind farms, greenways, roads, water treatment and flood relief schemes.
In her current role, Paula facilitates and co-ordinates the implementation of the Galway City Council Biodiversity Action Plan, with priority given to developing biodiversity awareness, and supporting a positive attitude to biodiversity, among a variety of stakeholders including the public, Galway City Council staff and officials, developers, architects, engineers and landowners for example.
She is also involved in the development of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation, and assists in the planning process to promote sustainable development.
‘Biodiversity’ is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life. Biodiversity supports everything in nature that we need to survive: food, clean water, medicine, and shelter.
In this episode, Fergal chats to Paula about the role of a Biodiversity Officer, and the type of work that Biodiversity Officers do, including working closely with communities of volunteers dedicated to enriching and enhancing Galway’s biodiversity.
Episode 15 - Helen Kilroy, Head of Finance / Director of Services
Helen Kilroy joined Galway City Council in May 2022, and is the Head of Finance and Director of Services for ICT.
Helen is a Chartered Accountant, having worked in practice in a number of senior roles in EY, Deloitte and BDO, before joining the local authority sector.
In her current role, Helen oversees a team of 47 across finance, debt management, procurement, internal audit and ICT. Helen is responsible for the Council budget of €113m and is working with the senior management team to drive corporate governance, digital transformation and income maximisation.
Helen speaks with Fergal about her interesting journey to accountancy from studying physics in Oxford to studying accountancy and working in the private sector to her role in the Galway City Council. Helen shares details on the work of the finance team including outlining where the funding comes from and the importance of rates and where all that that funding goes.
Listen to the Galway City – Your Council wherever you get your podcasts.
Episode 14 - Tom Costello, Dog Warden
In episode 14, Fergal speaks to Tom Costello, Galway City Dog Warden
Tom started in this role in 2022, as his love for dogs found a new professional outlet!
Tom’s background is in training and general caretaking of dogs and has his own springer spaniels at home.
Tom sheds light on the role of a Dog Warden – and how dogs come to end up in the city dog pound.
He discusses how he helps find new homes for dogs that end up in his care, and what people need to think about when considering getting a dog themselves.
If you’d like to find out about adopting a dog from Galway City Dog Pound, get in touch at (091) 757 094.
Episode 13 - Emmet Humphreys, Senior Executive Architect
In Episode #13 Fergal meets Emmet Humphreys, Senior Executive Architect, Housing.
Emmet was one of the organisers of the recent Academy of Urbanism/ Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland/ Galway City Council ‘Reimagining the Irish City’ conference in Galway, where there was much discussion about the need for radical reform of our current planning, design and delivery systems to enable Irish cities and towns to survive and prosper in the coming decades.
Emmet discusses potential solutions for Irish cities and towns, and the importance of collaboration and creating a space to discuss and address conflicting needs.
Emmet graduated from Bolton Street, Dublin Institute of Technology in 2001 with a Dip.Arch B.Arch Sc.(Hons). Emmet was a part time Lecturer in Lund University, Sweden 2006-2016 in the Cityspace-Dwellingspace Studio, which was part of ILAUD. He was a Director of his own Practice from 2003-2018. Emmet left private practice to join the Local Authority.
His work includes co-authorship West Gate Vision: Drogheda and Boyle 2040. He is Senior Executive Architect for Galway City Council’s Housing Department working on interdepartmental collaboration for physical development projects. He is also a member of the RIAI Urban Design Committee.
Emmet's paper'Block-based urbanism; A proposal for growth within Galway City’s limits"sets out a vision for development which boldly addresses the ambitions of sustainable urban development. The 'urban jigsaw' of Galway City breaks the fabric of the city up into manageable blocks, each with huge potential for compact and sustainable growth.
He has also delivered a Ted Talk, "Venetian Negotiation: A template for a modern sustainable city" discussing the source of inspiration for these ideas, the city of Venice, and how he successfully applied them to the town of Drogheda, making use of vacant space and bringing life back to the town centre.
Episode 12 - James Reynolds, Conservator, Galway City Museum
#GalwayCityYourCouncil #12 - meet James Reynolds, Conservator, from Galway City Museum.
James works behind the scenes conserving artefacts both on display and in safe storage in the Museum. James discusses the tools of the trade for a conservator and some of the interesting conservation challenges he's come across in his career.
James Reynolds graduated from the Museum Studies Program, at Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada, and the Museum Practice and Management Program at Ulster University.
He has 28 years’ experience in the museum sector both nationally and internationally and has served as a board member with the Irish Museums Association.
He worked on museum related projects for the National University of Ireland, Galway, the Computer and Communications Museum, Galway, the Canadian Museum of History, Ottawa, Charleston Lake Provincial Park Museum, Ontario, Canada, Bon Echo Provincial Park Museum, Ontario, Canada, and is currently working with the Galway City Museum. He has also liaises on a regular basis with the Conservation Department at The National Museum of Ireland.
He has also worked on the Haida and Nisga’a repatriation treaty with the Government of Canada.
Episode 11 - Eithne Verling, Director, Galway City Museum
In Galway City - Your Council episode 11, Fergal speaks with Eithne Verling - Director of the Galway City Museum and Co-Curator of the current MONUMENT exhibition.
Eithme is committed to providing an open museum that welcomes diverse communities and engages with them on their interests and stories. She is also committed to presenting compelling narratives through the museum collections, exhibition programme, events and community engagement programme and strategic partnerships. At a fundamental level, growing up as she did in a family of creatives, Eithne has a strong belief in the transformative power of art and creative thinking - essentially the power of the imagination, to find solutions to the challenges that face everyone - big and small.
Episode 10 - Edward Conlon, Housing Liaison Officer
This week Fergal meets Edward Conlon. Edward is a Housing Liaison Officer in Galway City Council.
Housing Liaison Officers play an important role supporting communities in Galway City Council properties, in work as diverse as setting up residents associations, giving advice on tenancies or working on environmental or community initiatives with residents.
Edward works in the East and Doughiska area of the city, with communities in Ballybane, Sruthán Mhuirlinne, An Sean Bhaile and other local authority estates.
Edward came to this role having worked in the community warden section. For 15 years, he enjoyed the interaction with resident groups, working closely with communities, facilitating meetings, and providing advice on amenity grants, sports days and family days.
He discusses the role of a HLO, and some of the activities he engages in with communities in the city, as part of a highly rewarding role that makes a difference in the lives of the people he works with.
Episode 9 – Mary Lyons, Retired Staff Member/ Retired Clerical Officer
This week in Galway City – Your Council, Fergal meets Mary Lyons, who retired from Galway City Council in 2012.
Mary worked in the home as a housewife for almost 30 years, before returning to paid work in Galway City Council as a Clerical Officer.
On her return, Mary realised how invaluable her skills and experience running a household, rearing 5 children, and being a foster parent to 23 children, were in the workplace.
She loved working with the public – and found her age and life experience helped her diffuse challenging situations - she understood when a person might be having a hard time in their lives, and could empathise with them and help them resolve their queries.
In her discussions with Fergal, Mary details the value ‘returning’ employees bring to the workplace, and how much she enjoyed listening to and mixing with younger staff and gaining a new perspective.
From a fear of using a photocopier on day one, to engaging with colleagues and customers and loving her work, Mary is an inspirational speaker!
If Mary’s insights and experiences encourage you to think of joining us in Galway City Council, you can see current vacancies on our website! See
If you are returning to work after a long break, there are a number of options to consider and steps you to take – the Citizens Information Bureau is a great source of information and advice. See
Episode 8 - Ian Brennan, Manager, Leisureland
This week on Galway City – Your Council, Fergal meets Ian Brennan.
Ian is the Manager of Leisureland in Salthill, which recently celebrated its 50-year anniversary.
Ian is a former competitive swimmer, having swam many laps in Leisureland for both training and competitions. He trained as a lifeguard and swimming teacher, and started working in Leisureland in 1993.
Since then, Ian has overseen the growth of the Swim Academy, which teaches over 1,700 children a week to swim in the 25m pool, the learner pool and the leisure pool.
Leisureland also hosts another 1,300 children per week in the schools programme and swimming clubs. The pool also features a thrilling 65m water slide, and a giant Commando Run Inflatable Obstacle Course.
Leisureland is also home to a fully equipped gymnasium, 9-hole outdoor adventure golf, coffee dock, and events centre with over 250,000 people a year coming through the door.
Episode 7 - Brian Barrett, Director of Services
This week on the Galway City - Your Council podcast, Fergal meets Brian Barrett
Brian Barrett is Director of Service with responsibility for Corporate Governance and Services; Community; and Climate Change.
For the past 30 years he has worked across the local, regional and rural development sectors in Ireland and Europe, employed in the public, private and community sectors.
Brian discusses what makes Galway City special, including some of the challenges and changes facing the city, the importance of building relationships and collaboration between agencies, and the role of arts and culture in integration and enriching the lives of migrants.
Episode 6 - Sharon Connolly, Senior Engineer
This week in the Galway City – Your Council podcast, Fergal meets Sharon Connolly.
Sharon Connolly is a Senior Engineer in Galway City Council, with responsibility for Environment, Parks and Recreation, and Capital Sports Projects.
Sharon has worked on projects around the world, including Ireland, the UK and Qatar, and has over three decades experience as an engineer.
Sharon started her career when far fewer women were getting opportunities in STEM industries – Sharon sheds insight on her experiences and challenges, including her move from private consultancy to the local authority sector in recent years.
Episode 5 - Pat McPhilbin, Litter Management Unit
This week we meet Pat McPhilbin.
Pat McPhilbin is part of the Galway City Council Litter Management Unit - who are out on our streets every morning from 5am, keeping our city clean and ready for business.
Pat has worked with the team for the past 34 years, and will retire in 2 years’ time, after a long career taking care of our city behind the scenes.
Pat discusses some of the highlights of working with the Litter Management team, and the surprising appeal of having an early start in the wee hours of the morning while most of us are still in our beds.
Pat is also a keen photographer and has a good eye on our city – spotting the daily sun rises, the changes in the city over the last three decades and some of the characters and wildlife that are about in the quiet of the early morning.
Episode 4 - Fergal McGrath, Venue Director Town Hall Theatre
“…Galway’s a great space for the arts… there’s great participation from local arts organisations, local companies – amateur and professional, and audiences.”
In Episode 4 of Galway City – Your Council, we meet Fergal McGrath, Venue Director of the Town Hall Theatre in Galway.
Fergal discusses the city’s international reputation for being a place of culture and creativity, and what makes Galway - and the Town Hall Theatre - magnetic for the arts.
Fergal McGrath was formerly manager of Galway Arts Festival, and Managing Director of Druid Theatre. The Town Hall Theatre, owned and managed by Galway City Council, is Galway's premier performing arts venue, at the epicentre of Galway’s cultural activity, including the city’s major festivals such as the Galway International Arts Festival, Galway Film Fleadh, Galway Theatre Festival, Babaró Children’s Festival, and Galway Comedy Festival.
In a city of circa 80,000 population, annual attendances in the Town Hall Theatre, typically exceed 100,000 - confirming high levels of participation, ownership and support.
Episode 3 - Jason Craughwell, Coordinator, Galway Sports Partnership
For Episode 3 of Galway City - Your Council, Fergal is meeting Jason Craughwell, Coordinator with Galway Sports Partnership.
Jason’s role is to promote physical activity and sport for all the people of Galway. He is involved in a voluntary capacity, coaching both Rugby and Hurling as well as a refereeing Rugby across a number of codes including, tag, Rugby League and Rugby Union.
Jason discusses the work of the sports partnership, and the challenges and benefits of keeping physically fit and active.
Episode 2 - Aisling Colreavy, Healthy Galway City Coordinator
This week, on Galway City – Your Council, Fergal meets Aisling Colreavy, the Galway City Council Health Galway City Coordinator. Aisling discusses wellbeing and health, and the impact of good wellbeing and health on society. Aisling is a truly inspirational and knowledgeable speaker!
Aisling is the Healthy Galway City Coordinator and is responsible for coordinating community-led projects and initiatives that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of those living in Galway city.
As Healthy Galway City coordinator, Aisling is involved in the coordination and implementation of targeted initiatives in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, sexual health, tobacco free and alcohol harm prevention and reduction, with a particular focus on disadvantaged communities and those at risk of health inequalities.
Healthy Galway City is part of the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘Healthy Cities’ Programme. Supported by Galway City Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), Healthy Galway City is based on engagement, collaboration and the creation of long-term innovative partnerships.
Aisling completed a BA and a MSC in Psychology in the National University of Ireland, Galway. She has worked for over a decade alongside marginalised communities in Ireland and in the UK.
Episode 1 - Brendan McGrath, Chief Executive 2013 - 2023
Kicking off the series, we have an interview with Brendan McGrath.
Brendan has been at the helm of Galway City Council for the past decade and has just retired (June 2023) after 47 years public service.
Brendan reflects on some of the challenges and opportunities, working in local government.
Our Host
Fergal O’Keeffe is the host of the Galway City – Your Council podcast.
Fergal creates, produces and hosts podcasts for companies including Electric Ireland, DCU, Teachers’ Inspire Ireland, Electric Ireland Superhomes, Six Seconds Europe, Ireland’s Blue Book, Galway City Council, Clare County Council, Longford County Council and Derry City Council.
Fergal also produces and hosts Ireland’s No.1 travel podcast, the ‘Travel Tales with Fergal’ Podcast, which is listened to in over 110 countries, and has done episodes for the Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss and Greek tourist boards.
Fergal can be contacted on