Pursuant to the requirements of Part XI of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part 8 Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 to 2024, Galway City Council hereby gives notice that it intends to carry out the following development located at :
The playing field on the north side of Old Dublin Road adjacent to The Connacht Hotel and Wellpark Grove.
The development will consist of the provision of a lawn cemetery which will cater for grave plots, urn plots, memorial garden (which will include an area for cremated remains), access roads, junction provision, parking, staff welfare building, machinery shed, boundary treatment, signage, surface water drainage, structure for the internment of cremated remains, headstone foundations and appropriate landscaping throughout the site to minimise the visual impact of the proposed development on the adjoining properties.
The development has been the subject of Screening for Appropriate Assessment in accordance with Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). The Screening for Appropriate Assessment concluded that the proposed development would not be likely to give rise to significant effects on any European Natura 2000 site and an Appropriate Assessment is not required in respect to this proposed development.
Plans and particulars of the proposed development, including Appropriate Assessment Screening Report, will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours for a period of 4 weeks from 19th of September 2024 up to and including 17th October 2024 during public hours at the Planning Office, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, from 9:00am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. For appointments, please contact planning at 091-536599 or by email at planning@galwaycity.ie.
Link to the web address of the Project: www.galwaycity.ie/dublinroadlawncemetery
Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development is situated may be made in writing to the Local Authority to arrive no later than: 4.00pm on 31st October 2024 to Senior Planner, Planning Department, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway or by email to planning@galwaycity.ie. It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by Galway City Council.
All comments, including names of those making comments, submitted to the Council regarding this scheme will form part of the statutorily required report to be presented at a meeting of the elected members. Accordingly, they may also be included in the minutes of that meeting and may appear in the public domain. Galway City Council is subject to the provisions of Freedom of Information (FOI Acts 1997 and 2014) and the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2013.
Dated 17th September 2024
Mr. Patrick Greene
Director of Services
Operational Development Directorate
Galway City Council