
Galway City Biodiversity Action Plan 2025 – 2030


What is Biodiversity?


Biodiversity or biological diversity simply refers to the variety of all living things on earth - including people, plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms. The term biodiversity, however, refers to more than individual species and includes the genes they contain, the ecosystems and habitats of which they form part, and also highlights the interdependence and interconnectedness of all living things.


Biodiversity, or Biological Diversity is “The variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems”, as defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 

The CBD was part of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, or 'Earth Summit', held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Ireland's National Biodiversity Action Plan is a key provision of the CBD and the development of a Local Biodiversity Action Plan by the Local Authority is an action of the National Biodiversity Action Plan.

Why is Biodiversity Important?

Biodiversity supports life on earth and is part of all our daily lives. We depend on biodiversity for clean air and water, healthy soils, food, building materials, and medicines.

Protecting biodiversity, both locally and globally, is a major concern for society and the survival of the human race, as it provides all the resources on which we depend.

Galway City has a large and diverse range of habitats and wildlife in relation to its size, due to its  varying geology, the extent of urban woodland and its proximity to the river Corrib, Galway Bay and Lough Corrib. These habitats and wildlife are under constant pressure from Human activity and the development and implementation of a Local Biodiversity Action Plan aims to provide a framework for their protection.

Have your say!

We want to hear your views! Your feedback on this consultation will inform how we develop biodiversity objectives and priorities for Galway City.

Galway City Council is seeking input from the public on the Local Authority Biodiversity Action Plan 2025-2030.

Submissions are being sought from the public, groups and organisations during this first phase of the preparation of the plan. The deadline for submissions is by close of business on September 27. The form can also be completed online, or write to us at (Biodiversity Officer, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road H91 X4KB / Forms can be picked up or completed at Galway City Centre Library, Ballybane Library and Westside Library.

Galway City was one of the first Local Authorities to have a Biodiversity Action Plan. The revision of the current Galway City Biodiversity Action Plan 2014 – 2024 for the next 5 years 2025 to 2030 is to correspond to changes in our ecosystems, European and national legislation, policy and future Directives.

The Local Authority Biodiversity Action Plan (LABAP) is designed to provide a structured approach to biodiversity conservation at the local authority level. It outlines the objectives, strategies, and actions needed to protect and enhance biodiversity within respective local authority areas.

By participating in the pre-draft consultation phase, it will help identify local issues and needs and will help create and develop the actions required to protect and enhance biodiversity in Galway City.

The previous action plan, the Galway City Biodiversity Action Plan 2014 – 2024, had three objectives:

  • To raise awareness and appreciation of biodiversity
  • To maintain and enhance biodiversity within the city
  • To increase our knowledge and understanding of biodiversity.


For information, a summary of the current plan is found at the end of this document.


The Biodiversity Action Plan is supported by the Heritage Council.

Summary: Galway City Biodiversity Action Plan 2014 – 2024


IMAGE: Your Europe Logo