National Broadband Plan

The Government’s National Broadband Plan (NBP) aims to radically change the broadband landscape in Ireland. It will ensure that all citizens and businesses have access to high speed broadband no matter where they live or work. This will be delivered through a combination of commercial and State led investment. Once completed, all parts of Ireland will have access to a modern and reliable broadband network, capable of supporting current and future generations.​ For more information , visit the NBP page.

Monitoring of access to High Speed Broadband services in the BLUE Area

The High Speed Broadband Map 2020 shows where high speed broadband services area or will be provided commercially over the next five 5 years. It also establishes where commercial operators have concrete plans to roll out high speed broadband coverage.

The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) is actively monitoring the rollout of high speed broadband in the BLUE areas so as to ensure the accuracy of the Map. If your house or business is in a BLUE area and you do not have access to high speed broadband, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Check if your premises is located in an amber or blue area by either
  • Entering your Eircode or
  • Entering your address in the search box or
  • Zooming in on the map.
  1. If your premises is in a BLUE area
  • run a line speed check If your speed checks are consistently below 30Mbps), you need to
  • Check with ALL operators in your area to see if you can get high speed broadband. If you cannot get a high speed broadband service, you need to
  • Contact the Department - Include your Eircode, a copy of your line speed check results and confirmation of the operators you have contacted.
  1. Subject to your permission, the Department will then:

    i. Raise the query with participating operators whose commercial plans are on the high speed broadband map.

    ii. If commercial plans are yet to materialise, provide you with an approximate timeframe for the availability of high speed broadband to your premises.

Where commercial plans have been rolled out and it is established High Speed Broadband is not available to your premise, nor will it be available from any other operator on a commercial basis, your premise will be included in the AMBER area (Intervention Area).