Local Area Plans

A Local Area Plan is a legal document and is a public statement that provides more detailed planning policies, than the City Development Plan, for areas in the city that are expected to experience significant development and change.

  • What is a Local Area Plan?

    A Local Area Plan is a legal document and is a public statement that provides more detailed planning policies, than the City Development Plan, for areas in the city that are expected to experience significant development and change. It is prepared in consultation with local communities, members of the public, service providers, statutory bodies and landowners. It sets out a strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of an area.

    A Local Area Plan consists of a written statement and maps(s), which set out the local authorities' objectives for the plan area. The plan provides the standards that will guide development in the area. It is valid for six years from the date of adoption by the Council, this period can be extended by a further 5 years by resolution passed by Council members. Local Area Plans should be compatible with national and regional guidance documents and the core strategy and policies of the City Development Plan. It must respond to opportunities and challenges presented by the current economic climate and promote continued economic and social development.

    The Development Plan and Policy Section will carry out public consultation during the preparation of the Local Area Plan. Local Area Plans are adopted by the Members of Galway City Council.

    The City Development Plan 2017-2023 includes for the preparation of Local Area Plans for lands at Ardaun, Murroogh and the Headford Road area (south of the Bodkin Junction).

    The Ardaun Local Area Plan 2018-2024 was adopted on 9th April 2018 and came into effect on 7th May 2018. Ardaun is an area of approximately 164 hectares of greenfield land located on the eastside of the city, 5km from the city centre. The National Planning Framework Project Ireland 2040 Building Ireland's Future identifies progressing the sustainable development of new greenfield areas for housing and the development of supporting public transport and infrastructure, such as at Ardaun; as a key future growth enablers for Galway. Ardaun is identified as a key growth area in the City Development Plan 2017-2023 and is capable of delivering up to 4,640 homes and accommodating a population of up to 12,621. Ardaun is designated by central government as a Major Urban Housing Delivery Site under Rebuilding Ireland - an Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness.

    The Ardaun Local Area Plan (LAP) is a land use plan and sets out the statutory framework for the development of the Ardaun area over the period 2018-2024.

    The LAP complements the implementation of the current Galway City Development Plan 2017-2023.

    The vision for Ardaun is a people and business friendly urban village, well connected with the greater city and environs, where a sustainable framework for private and public investment is available.

    Read more on Local Area Plans in Chapter 10 of the City Development Plan

    Galway City Council Development Plan 2017-2023



    Ardaun Local Area Plan

    Galway City Council has prepared a Local Area Plan for lands situated at the area known as Ardaun on the east side of the city (164ha). 

    Local Area Plan

    Ardaun Local Area Plan 2018-2024

    Ardaun Local Area Plan 2018-2024 - Executive Summary

    Ardaun Local Area Plan 2018-2024 - Strategic Environmental Assessment

    Ardaun LAP 2018-2024 Urban Design Framework Interactive Map

    Ardaun LAP 2018-2024 Land Use Zoning Interactive Map

    Draft Ardaun Local Area Plan 2018-2024

    Strategic Environmental Report

    Appropriate Assessment Screening Report

    Appropriate Assessment Determination

    Public Notice Draft Ardaun Local Area Plan

    Fógra Poiblí Dréacht-Phlean Limistéir Áitiúil do na hArdáin

    Proposed Material Alterations to Draft Ardaun Local Area Plan

    Screening for Strategic Environmental Assessment Report

    Screening for Appropriate Assessment Report

    Public Notice Proposed Material Alterations Draft Ardaun Local Area Plan

    Ardaun Local Area Plan with Proposed Material Alterations

    Fógra Poiblí: Athruithe Ábhartha Beartaithe ar Dhréachtphlean Limistéir Áitiúil na nArdán 2018-2024

    Chief Executive's Report - Material Alterations to the Draft Ardaun LAP

    Submission and Observations - Material Alterations to Draft Ardaun LAP


  • Summary of the Process for Preparing a Local Area Plan

    The following is a summary of the time scale and processes involved in the preparation and adoption of a Local Area Plan (LAP).

    1. Pre-Draft Public Consultation Phase
    Prior to preparing a draft Plan, the local authority takes whatever steps it considers necessary to consult the public including public bodies, non-governmental agencies, resident associations, community groups, and business interests in the area.
    2. Draft Plan Preparation
    The draft plan is prepared by the City Council for display taking into account issues raised during the pre-draft consultation phase.
    3. Public Notice & Plan Display
    An advertisement is placed in national newspapers announcing the preparation of a LAP. Notice and a copy of the Draft LAP is also sent to prescribed bodies such as the Department of Education and Science, NRA, ESB. The Draft Plan goes on display for a minimum period of 6 weeks during which submissions / observations are invited from the public and all interested parties.
    4. Preparation of Chief Executive's Report on Submissions / Observations
    This report must be submitted to the Elected Members of the City Council for their consideration not later than 12 weeks after notice is published in the national newspapers.
    5. Chief Executive's Report Submitted to Elected Members for Consideration
    Elected Members have 6 weeks to consider the report and adopt / amend the plan.
    6.Amendment of Local Area Plan
    If the Elected Members decide to amend the LAP other than what is recommended in the Chief Executive's Report, the Planning Authority must publish notice of the proposed amendment or modification not later than 3 weeks after the passing of a resolution to materially alter the plan.
    7. Display of Proposed Amendment
    The proposed amendment(s) of a LAP must go on public display for not less than 4 weeks. Written submissions/observations received in respect of material alterations to the LAP are put on public display.
    8. Preparation of Chief Executive's Report on Submissions on Proposed Amendment
    Chief Executive's report to be prepared on submissions/observations received in respect of material alterations to the LAP not later than 8 weeks after notice is published.
    9. Elected Members Consider Proposed Amendment / Modification & Chief Executive's Report.
    Elected Members to make or amend the LAP with amendment(s) proposed by the Planning Authority or, if different as recommended in the Chief Executive's report not later than 6 weeks after receiving the report.