Public Walk Ways

Locations and details of the public walk ways in Galway City.

Where are the Public Walk Ways in Galway City?

  • 1. South Park / Claddagh

    South Park / Claddagh / Salthill Promanade Blackrock

    Length : 6 km

    Start : Spanish Arch,

    Route: Across to the Claddagh Basin, Nimmo's Pier, South Park,

    Salthill Promenade and Blackrock

    Finish : At the Driving Range on the Barna Road

    Facilities: Dedicated Cycling Lane and Walking Lane

    Wheel Chair Accessible : Yes

    Seats / Benches : Yes

    Toilets: Yes

    View a map of the South Park/Claddagh walk way route.

  • 2. Ballyloughane



    Length: 220 metres

    Start : Ballyloughane Beach, Renmore

    Route: : Encompasses a wildlife area and contains a number of pedestrian pathways

    Facilities: Dedicated Cycling Lane and Walking Lane

    Wheel Chair Accessible : Yes

    Seats / Benches : Yes

    Toilets : Yes

    See where Ballyloughane Beach is located



  • 3. Lough Atalia

    Length : 1.4 km

    Start : Department of Defence Barracks in Renmore

    Finish : Lough Atalia Road

    Wheel Chair Accessible : Yes

    Seats / Benches : Yes

    Toilets : Yes

    View a map of the Lough Atalia walk way route



  • 4. Silverstrand



    Length: 250 metres

    Route: Along the promenade at Silverstrand beach

    Wheelchair Accessible: Yes

    Seats/Benches: Yes

    Toilets: Yes

    See where Silverstrand is located

Are there any restrictions on the use of the Walk Ways?

There are no restrictions to the use of the Walk Ways.