
The Solvents Directive has made the following regulations which govern the operation of businesses which use solvents or solvent-containing materials, principally dry cleaners and vehicle refinishers...

  • What is the Solvents Directive?

    The Solvents Directive has made the following regulations which govern the operation of businesses which use solvents or solvent-containing materials, principally dry cleaners and vehicle refinishers.

    Such businesses are required to undergo an inspection by an approved assessor at regular intervals and to hold a Certificate of Compliance, issued for a fixed duration, by the relevant local authority.

    S.I. No. 564/2012 - European Union (Paints, Varnishes, Vehicle Refinishing Products and Activities) Regulations 2012, colloquially known as "The Deco Paints Regulations"

    These Regulations supersede the previous Decorative Paints Regulations (S.I. No. 199 of 2007)

    S.I. No. 565/2012 - European Union (Installations and Activities Using Organic Solvents) Regulations 2012, colloquially known as "The Solvents Regulations"

    These Regulations supersede the previous Solvents Regulations (S.I. No. 454 of 2002).


  • What businesses do these regulations apply?

    They principally apply to Dry Cleaners and Vehicle Refinishers.


  • Who carries out the Assessment?

    An installation operator may choose any member from the appropriate Approved Assessors' Panel for inspection purposes and engage them directly to perform the assessment. The details of the panel of EPA's Approved Assessors are as follows:

    EnviroGuide Consulting - Phone: 01 2711896 - Web:

    The Approved Assessor (AA) will review the activity and produce a report on the level of compliance with the regulations. This report will state if an installation is in general compliance or otherwise and if appropriate, will recommend that the relevant local authority issue a Certificate of Compliance.


  • How do I apply for a Certificate of Compliance?

    The Assessor's report must be submitted to Galway City Council, together with the completed registration form (this will have been supplied to the applicant by the AA with the report) and a fee of €50 in respect of renewals or €70 in respect of a new Certificate of Compliance (including cases where the previous one had lapsed).

    On the basis of this documentation, Galway City Council, as appropriate will make a decision on the issue of a Certificate of Compliance for an installation.


  • Is it an offence to operate without a Certificate of Compliance?

    Yes, it is an offence for any dry cleaning installation or vehicle refinishing operator to operate without a valid Certificate of Compliance, and breaches of the Regulations may incur fines of up to €5,000 on summary conviction in the District Court or an on the spot fine.


  • Where can I find further information on the Solvents Regulations?

    Further news, updates and information can be obtained at the following website