Derelict Sites

Local authorities maintain a public register of derelict sites.

What is a Derelict Site?

A derelict site is defined as:

Any land, which detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the amenity, character or appearance of land in the neighbourhood of the land in question, because of:

  • The existence on the land in question of structures which are ruinous, derelict, or dangerous condition, or
  • The neglected, unsightly or objectionable condition of the land or any structure on the land in question, or
  • The presence, deposit or collection on the land in question of any litter, rubbish, debris or waste, except where the presence, deposit or collection of such litter, rubbish debris or waste, results from the exercise of a right conferred by statute by common law.

What does the Council do regarding Derelict Sites?

The Derelict Sites Act, 1990 as amended is the legislation under which the City Council assesses and removes dereliction in the City.

The Act places a duty on every owner and occupier of land, including a statutory body and a State Authority, to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the land does not become or continue to be a derelict site.

Staff in the Environment Section of Galway City Council, carry out derelict Site Inspections on an ongoing basis, with the assistance of Community Wardens. Following each inspection, a report is prepared, outlining the findings and with recommendations to address the dereliction. Every effort is made to attempt to work with property owners and address the dereliction issues before formal entries onto the Derelict Sites Register are made.

What happens if the City Council deems a site to be derelict?

An initial letter will issue to the property owner advising that the property has been identified as being derelict or potentially derelict, and requesting their proposals to address the dereliction. A period of one month shall be given for a written reply to the initial letter.

What happens if the owner does not reply to the City Council once notice of dereliction is served?

Where no reply to the correspondence is received, and where the site continues to be derelict, a formal notice under Section 8(2) of the Derelict Sites Act will be served on the owner. This is a notice of intention to enter the site on the Derelict Sites Register. A period of 1 month shall be allowed for representations to be made in respect of the property, before any entry shall be made.

Having had regard for all or any representations, and where the site continues to be derelict, the particulars of the site may be entered into the Derelict Sites Register.

What are the implications of having a site on the Derelict Sites Register?

Sites entered into the Derelict Sites Register may be subject to an annual levy of 7% of the market value of the property, which comes into effect from the first day of January following the valuation of the property.

Property owners may also be subject to a fine by the Courts should legal proceedings be taken by the Council for non-compliance with notices to carry out works to render the property non-derelict.

Who can I report a Derelict Site to?

Please contact the Customer Services team at: 091 536400.

Derelict Sites Section, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8



What sites are on the current register?