Africa Day 2025

Africa Day 2025 Funding


Africa Day Logo

Africa Day is an annual worldwide celebration of the people, cultures and potential of this wonderful continent. Held on 25 May each year, Africa Day is a chance for people to come together and celebrate the diversity of Africa.

Galway City Council in partnership with the Africa Day Team Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs are planning to celebrate Africa Day on the 25th of May 2025 and are inviting local groups and organisations to host events/ activities in celebration.

Applications are now open to any interested groups/organisations in Galway City wishing to host an Africa Day celebration/event/initiative. This event should take place as close to Africa Day as possible, and no earlier or later than 10 days either side of Sunday, May 25th 2025.   

The funding available to successful applicants is up to a maximum of €4,000 pending further approval from the Department of Foreign Affairs. Please note: 50% of the payment is made to qualifying applicants upon award of a Letter of Offer and the remaining 50% is paid upon satisfactory execution of the event. 

Applications for Africa Day 2025 are now closed. 

You will be notified of the decision taken in relation to your application in April 2025. 

Galway City Council in partnership with Irish Aid and the Department of Foreign Affairs.