Dangerous Structures

Local authorities may take action against owners of unsafe buildings, walls or structures.

What is a Dangerous Structure?

The local government (Sanitary Services) Act 1964 defines a "Dangerous Structure" as

(a) Any building, wall or other structure of any kind; or
(b) Any part of, or anything attached to, a building, wall or other structure of any kind, That in the opinion of the Sanitary Authority in whose sanitary district it is situate, is or is likely to be dangerous to any person or property.

Who is the Sanitary Authority?

Galway City Council is the Sanitary Authority for its functional area of Galway City.

What does the Council do regarding Dangerous Structures?

The Environment and Climate Change Department of the Galway City Council investigates all complaints received in relation to concerns about buildings or structures that may be a Dangerous Structure.

If upon investigation, it is determined that the structure is a dangerous structure, the Council may use its powers under section 3 of the local government (Sanitary Services) Act 1964 to issue a Notice to the Owner requiring the Owner to carry out works as the Council may consider appropriate to prevent the structure from being a Dangerous Structure.

Where a person on whom a Notice in relation to a Dangerous Structure has been served does not comply with the terms of the Notice, Galway City Council may make an application to the District Court on the matter.

Who can I report a Building/Structure that I am concerned about to?