Scheme Overview BusConnects Galway: Cross-City Link The BusConnects Galway: Cross-City Link (University Road to Dublin Road) Scheme will form a central route for public transport, cyclists and better connect places of interest for pedestrians along an east-west corridor through Galway City centre. The aim of the Proposed Scheme is to provide improved walking, cycling and bus infrastructure on this key access corridor in Galway City, which will enable and deliver efficient, safe, and integrated sustainable transport movement along the corridor. The Proposed Scheme comprises the ‘Cross-City Link’, supporting sections of the ‘Inner-City Access Route’ and other associated traffic management measures considered necessary to enable the introduction of the Cross-City Link and will support integrated sustainable transport usage through infrastructure improvements and transport management measures for active travel (both walking and cycling), and the provision of enhanced bus priority measures for existing (both public and private) and all future services who will use the Proposed Scheme. Full details on this scheme are available at Drawing - Extents of the scheme