Galway City Council would like to remind the public that the Status Orange: Wind warning is still in effect until 4:00pm today. Members of the public are advised to limit travel to essential travel only, and to shelter in place as much as possible in areas where an orange level warning is in place, as there is ongoing risk of trees falling and flying debris and fallen electric cables.
Do not attempt to deal with a fallen tree, as there may be live power lines tangled in it.
Galway City Council appreciates the patience of the public as our outdoor teams proceed to mobilise and action call outs. These call-outs are subject to change and advice from Met Éireann on prevailing local conditions in the city.
Please report any incidents to Galway City Council on 091 536 400 or email CustomerService@GalwayCity.ie.
ESB Networks have advised that their power-check website, PowerCheck.ie, is active but may not be updated until ESB operation teams assess incidents on the ground and again urge patience. If you come across fallen wires or damaged electricity network, never, ever touch or approach these as they are LIVE and extremely dangerous. Please report any damage to electricity infrastructure by calling 1800 372 999.
Monitor Met Éireann forecasts and/or visit https://www.met.ie/ for the most up to date information. Information is also available across the Met Éireann App, social media platforms (@meteireann) and other news media sources
Please bear with us while we assess and respond to incidents.
The Housing Severe Weather Plan was activated during the Status Red: Wind warning, in addition to our normal Cold Weather response. Extra beds were provided at a local community centre with sufficient beds available for any person requiring shelter. 19 people were accommodated in the normal Cold Weather response, with 14 additional people accommodated in the local community centre.
Should anyone encounter a person rough sleeping at night the COPE Galway night team can be reached on (085) 287 8876.
The freephone number is also in operation from 7pm until 11pm each night on 1800 788 887.
During day-time hours, COPE Galway Day Centre team can be contacted on (091) 525 259.
Please note Leisureland swimming pool will remain closed today, until further notice. However, the events hall will open this evening for the Tommy Tiarnan event.