Galway City Council invites Community Groups and Businesses to ‘Giob Geab’ Climate Action Night

Staff and Deputy Mayor of GCC with Galway Volunteer and Galway City Partnership reps outside Mick Lally Theatre

Galway City Council is inviting community groups and businesses to take part in a novel climate action ‘Giob Geab’ (Chit Chat) evening on Wednesday 26 March at 8pm, in the Mick Lally Theatre, Druid Lane. Participants will take part in rapid-fire ‘Pecha Kucha’ presentations on their climate or environmental projects, with music, an MC, and prizes to be won! For more info or to sign up, contact The event is organised in partnership with Galway Tidy Towns, Galway City Community Network, Galway City Partnership and Galway Volunteer Centre.

‘Giob Geab’ is an Irish interpretation of the Japanese rapid fire presentation format known as ‘Pecha Kucha’. This format (10 slides, 30 seconds each, with predominantly visual image) is designed to make the evening as engaging and fun as possible and highlight the personal connection between all groups involved in climate action. 

Galway City Council staff will also present, and the night will provide a great opportunity for networking and learning in the environmental realm across the city. 

Welcoming the initiative, Deputy Mayor of the City of Galway, Cllr Neil McNelis commented, “Galway City has a strong volunteering and community engagement network, and this platform will allow groups to collaborate and utilise their strengths and skills from a wide range of expertise on climate action. This innovative approach will be light-hearted in tone yet will strengthen Galway City’s climate credentials through collaborative learning, with the aim of developing a Climate Ambassador network for the city.”

Speaking about the event, Galway City Council’s Community Climate Officer, Tiarnan McCusker, said, “This is one of the spin off events from the inaugural Climate Inspirations festival in 2024. It’s a great opportunity to tap into the wealth of knowledge on community climate action across the city in a positive and engaging environment, and I fully expect it to benefit all attendees who are interested in climate action across the city”.

Fergal Cushen, Environmental Awareness Officer with Galway City Council, said, “Being able to present the wide variety climate related work which is ongoing in the city, through such a novel concept, gives groups a vital platform to share and support each other. I’m sure it will produce stronger and more effective environmental projects in the future.”

Giob Geab takes place in the Mick Lally Theatre, Druid Lane on Wednesday 26 March at 8:00pm. 

The format for each representative for the evening will be 10 slides, 30 seconds each, with predominantly visual images. 

For further information on the event, and to apply for a presentation slot, contact with the name of your group, contact details, topic, and the name of the speaker.

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