NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Galway City Council proposes to make an order closing:
Middle Street: From the junction of Abbeygate Street Lower to the junction of Cross Street Lower.
Period of Closure: From 10.00am – 7.00pm, Saturday 12th October 2024.
Reason: To facilitate the 10-year birthday celebrations of Dough Bros.
Diversion Routes: Temporary diversion route will be in place via St. Augustine Street.
Localised access will be maintained at all times.
Advance diversion signage will be in place prior to work commencing.
Documents can be inspected at Reception, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8, during office hours, from 9.30am to 1.00pm, Monday to Friday. Objections to the proposed temporary closure may be submitted in writing to Mr Patrick Greene, Director of Services, Galway City Council, at above address, or by email to: roads@galwaycity.ie not later than 12 noon on Thursday 03rd October 2024.