Road Users Urged to Respect School Wardens as Back to School Approaches

Road Users Urged to Respect School Wardens as Back to School Approaches

With back-to-school preparations in full swing, Galway City Council’s team of School Wardens are ready to help our youngest and most vulnerable pedestrians get to school safely.

As the variety of vehicles on our road network increases, drivers, cyclists, and e-scooter users are asked to be aware of the presence of school wardens in urban areas and to respect their role.

Wardens have the same legislative power as Gardaí to stop traffic. Failing to stop when requested to by a school warden could see the driver facing a fine of €160 in addition to penalty points - with wardens requested to report such incidences to the Gardaí.

Twenty-one schools across Galway City benefit from having a school warden in place.

Speaking about the role of the School Wardens in Galway City, Patrick Greene, Director of Services, commented, “School wardens play an essential role in Galway City by protecting the safety of young children and their guardians as they travel to school. Young children can’t judge how far away a car is, or how fast it is travelling – so as drivers, we are asking you to slow down and to stop as requested. Our School Wardens - and other road users - play a vital role in keeping children safe on the journey to school. All road users are urged to be mindful of their responsibilities when travelling in the city, and to respect the role of our School Wardens.”

 Drivers in the city are reminded to:

  • Be prepared to stop at the school warden crossing if requested to do so.
  • Never stop on the crossing.
  • Never stop on the zig-zag lines at school - it can block sightlines for the warden and other driver

Image: Galway City Council School Wardens, ready to help our youngest and most vulnerable pedestrians get to school safely.

Back Row: Shaun Murphy, Antonio Sucameli,

Front Row: Agnes Fitzmaurice, Lesly Bohan, Bridie Roche, Breege Holian, Anne Quinn, Denise Melvin, Milicent Adebayo, Vincent O’Connor, Gerry O’Loughlin, Yemisi Olayiwola,