Galway Age Friendly Alliance Quarterly Meeting - New City Age Friendly Programme Manager Appointed

Age Friendly Alliance Meeting Group

Galway City Council hosted the quarterly Galway Age Friendly Alliance meeting on Wednesday 26 June 2024. The Alliance is a voluntary partnership made up of representatives from public sector agencies and other organisations that promote a positive approach to ageing. The meeting was chaired by Chief Executive of Galway City Council, Leonard Cleary, and Chief Executive of Galway County Council, Liam Conneally, as part of the Local Age Friendly Programme.

Agenda items included a new Age-Friendly Strategy for the City and Count; Positive Ageing Week, which takes place from 30 September - 6 October this year; and a presentation on the Social Prescribing Service. The Social Prescribing Service is a service that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. It is available in both Galway City and County, operated by Galway City Partnership in the City and Galway Rural Development in the County.  

Galway City Council has recently appointed a new Age Friendly Programme Manager, Katie Fahy, who will work closely with the Older People’s Council to deliver the Local Age Friendly Programme. Age Friendly Galway City works to improve the services and facilities that our older people have identified as being important to them, and the wider community, as they live healthy and active lives.  

The programme involves a multiagency, multi-sectoral approach to age-related planning and service provision.  

More information: 

Age Friendly Galway 

Age Friendly Ireland


Image (left to right):

Katie Fahy, Age Friendly Programme Manager, Galway City Council; Leonard Cleary, Chief Executive, Galway City Council; Joan Kavanagh – Chairperson of the Galway City Older People’s Council; Aileen Heverin – Chairperson of the Galway County Older People’s Council; Liam Conneally, Chief Executive, Galway County Council; and Mary McGann, Age Friendly Programme Manager, Galway County Council.