Bathers are advised of the possibility of an increase in the levels of bacteria in the bathing water over the coming days due to forecasted increased rainfall and possible activation of storm overflow.
To reduce the risk of illness, beach users should take the following precautions:
· Avoid swallowing or splashing water
· Wash your hands before handling food
· Avoid swimming with an open cut or wound
· Avoid swimming if you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system.
Higher levels of bacteria are usually short-lived and most bathers are unlikely to experience any illness.
LIKELY CAUSE: Increased Rainfall Forecasted
EXPECTED DURATION: 05/08/2024 – 07/08/2024
ACTIONS TAKEN/PROPOSED: Prior Warning Notices Erected at Beach.
UPDATE EXPECTED: Evening of 08/08/2024, Upon Receipt of Sample Results
For further information please contact:
Environment Dept., Galway City Council - Tel: 091 536400
Visit: https://www.beaches.ie/ or www.galwaycity.ie