Council Housing rents are based on a system called 'differential rents'. This means that the amount of rent you pay depends on the amount of your total household income. If your income increases so does your rent, and if your income decreases, the weekly rent decreases accordingly.
Galway City Council is dedicated to improving the living standards of tenants in private rented housing. This is done, in accordance with Government Regulations, through the inspection of private rented properties.
The Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) is available to provide on-going integration supports to people categorised in any of the following groups living in Galway city
The LCDC is a committee made up of representatives from the local government and local development sectors, including public bodies and representatives of social, economic, environmental and community interests.
Local Community Safety Partnerships (LCSPs) will bring all the relevant state services and the community together at local authority level. This will build on the work undertaken through Joint Policing Committees and supplement it by ensuring that all other relevant stakeholders necessary to constitute a more holistic forum for discussion, decisions and action on community priorities are present.
Galway City Council hereby invites residential property owners to lease their properties to Galway City Council. The council is looking to lease houses and apartments in areas of housing need.
Long Term Leasing (LTL) was introduced to cater for the accommodation needs of persons who have a long term housing need as determined by Galway City Council. Properties are leased from the private sector and used to accommodate households from the housing waiting list.
Local authorities may provide grants to those who own their own home to buy and install grab rails, level access showers, access ramps and stair lifts.