Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2025 – Applications Now Open

Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2025 – Applications Now Open

The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) is now open for applications for grant funding for works to the following structures:

-          Protected structures (Structures on the Galway City Record of Protected Structures).

-          Structures within Architectural Conservation Areas – ACA (of which there are 11 ACAs in Galway City).

-          Vernacular Structures (including Protected Structures and non-protected structures).

-          Shopfronts (Protected Structures and structures in ACAs).

Preparing an Application

The application form and guidance for applicants is provided below. Applicants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with these documents, including the list of qualifying and non-qualifying works / structures.

Applications must include all the required documentation listed below:

-          Completed Application Form A

-          Method Statement for the Works

-          Application Checklist

Incomplete applications will not be accepted after the deadline listed below.

Works carried out under the BHIS must meet all statutory requirements including the need for planning permission where appropriate.

If you require further information, clarification, or guidance on preparing an application, or confirmation if your structure is Protected, in an ACA, or of vernacular origin please contact Michael Scott, Executive Architectural Conservation Officer at Galway City Council via conservation@galwaycity.ie or 091 536400.

Submitting an Application

Completed applications must be submitted no later than 4PM, FRIDAY the 27TH OF SEPTEMBER 2025 to conservation@galwaycity.ie

Incomplete applications or applications received after this date will not be accepted. 

Amount of Funding Available

Grant funding of between €2,500 and €50,000 can be awarded to successful BHIS applicants. The BHIS also includes a funding stream for routine maintenance and minor repairs. The total value of all public funding provided will not exceed 80% of the total cost of the applied for works. It is important to note that the percentage of funding awarded will in many cases be lower than 80%.

Timeframe to Complete the Works

Successful applications will receive notification of provisional funding awarded in January 2025, with works to be completed by October 2025.

Works Previously Awarded Funding

A wide variety of works have been awarded funding over the previous years of the BHIS in Galway City. These include works to roofs (including thatch), brickwork, iron railings, windows (including the installation of new windows), doors, internal plasterwork, shopfronts, stained glass, wall repairs, external rendering and more. All works have been carried out to best conservation practice to ensure that the structures are enhanced and protected.

Applicants are encouraged to review the list of qualifying and non-qualifying works / structures as listed in documents below.

Purpose of the Built Heritage Investment Scheme

The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) aims to support owners and occupiers of historic structures through grant supported investment in essential repairs and small scale capital works.

Central to the BHIS is the promotion of best conservation practice, and the support of skilled, experienced conservation professionals, craft workers, and tradespeople through employment.

The BHIS is administered by Architectural Conservation Section of Galway City Council on behalf of Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage.

Planning Your Works

The BHIS aims to promote best conservation building practices and principles. It is important to consider the below principles when preparing your application. A clear scope of works and method statement which reflects these principles will strengthen an application, and help ensure that the most suitable and sensitive works are undertaken.

Research and Analysis – An understanding of the structure from a historical perspective to its current condition.

Use Expert Advice – The BHIS requires that a conservation professional, or where applicable, a skilled tradesperson informs, and undertakes the work.

Protect the Special Interest – Special interest can be both tangible and intangible, in this sense it can relate to its physical character, its function or its relationship to a person, group, or community. In many cases protected structures, or structures in ACAs have both tangible and intangible special interest. Special Interest underlines why a structure or group of structures should be protected and includes Artistic, Archaeological, Architectural, Cultural, Historical, Social, Scientific, and Technical. If you are an owner / occupier of a Protected Structure or a structure within an ACA, a special interest category will have been assigned to the structure or area. 

Minimum Intervention – Do as much as necessary and as little as possible. This approach is both good conservation practice and value for money.

Respect Earlier Alterations – All structures undergo change over the decades and centuries, it is important to understand and respect changes which enhance the special interest of the structure.

Repair Rather than Replace – The historic material of a structure is not replaceable, when it is gone it is gone. All efforts should therefore be to retain as much historic material when undertaking works to a protected structure or structure in an ACA.

Honesty of Repairs and Alteration – New works undertaken, where appropriate, should be subtly discernible from historic materials / elements.

Appropriate Materials and Methods – Proposed works must be compatible with the material and detailing of the historic structure. Materials / methods tried and tested by time are encouraged. The use of new modern materials and techniques should be approached with caution, with their appropriateness supported by firm scientific evidence.

Reversibility – Preferably and where appropriate, it should be possible to remove, or undo works without significant impact on the historic structure.

Incremental Damage – Works that appear to have a small impact on a historic structure, can over time, when added to other small works undertaken have a cumulative, significant and permanent impact on a historic structure.

Discourage Architectural Salvage – the use of materials from other buildings should not be utilised unless the required materials are no longer in production, the source of material can be ascertained, and the material was removed legally.


Application and Guidance Documents Downloads:

The BHIS 2025 Circular, Guidance Booklet and Application Form are available to download at www.gov.ie  https://www.gov.ie/en/service/f8d8a-built-heritage-investment-scheme-bhis/

and at the links provided below.

BHIS 2025 - Circular

Ciorclán SIOT 25-01 Scéim Infheistíochta don Oidhreacht Thógtha 2025


BHIS 2025 - Guidance Booklet for Applicants

SIOT 2025 - Treoirleabhar d’Iarratasóirí


BHIS 2025 - Application Form A

SIOT 2025 Foirm Iarratais A


BHIS 2025 - Application Form A Checklist

SIOT 2025 - Seicliosta d’iarratasóirí


BHIS 2025 - Qualifying and Non-qualifying Works

SIOT 2025 Oibreacha Cáilitheacha agus Neamhcháilitheacha
