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Galway City Council launch first Climate Action Plan for City

Galway City Council launch first Climate Action Plan for City

Galway City to be Carbon Neutral by 2050

The Children of Claddagh National School helped the Mayor of Galway City Council, Cllr Eddie Hoare, to launch Galway City’s first Local Authority Climate Action Plan at an event on Grattan Beach this week. The Plan sets out to reduce greenhouse gases in both local authority operations, and the wider city, by 51% by 2030 - with Galway City set to become carbon neutral by 2050.

The vision for the Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 is for Galway City to be a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and carbon neutral city by no later than the end of 2050. This will be achieved by delivering transformative change and measurable climate action through leadership, example, and mobilising action at a local level. The elected members supported the adoption of the Local Authority Climate Action Plan in February 2024.

Mayor of Galway City, Cllr. Eddie Hoare said:

“As Galway City Council launches our first city-wide Climate Action Plan with the pupils from Claddagh National School, we are saying that we want to see real change, which benefits these young people, as the future custodians of our city. The Grattan Beach sand dune restoration project is one example of positive climate action in Galway City, where the dunes reduce the impact of recent storms, whilst also improving biodiversity. Climate action on the ground creates real opportunities for a better Galway, for both communities and businesses. Taking positive action makes good economic sense, as well as improving biodiversity, increasing active travel and quality of life, for example. I welcome this plan as a significant step in delivering our 2030 targets and progressing towards a climate neutral Galway City by 2050 in line with Ireland’s Climate Action Plan targets.”

Speaking about the launch, Mr. Leonard Cleary, Chief Executive Galway City Council said:

“As we experience more extreme rainfall events such as those experienced in the city over the last year, we know we are increasingly aware of the impacts of climate change. It is incumbent upon all of us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and make positive climate choices.  This involves change for all of us and a shared understanding.  This Action Plan creates a pathway to achieve our goal of a more sustainable and climate neutral Galway City. We hope all Galwegians can get behind this plan and Galway can become a leader in climate action.’’

The Plan contains 60 climate actions for the city as a whole, and a further 43 actions focused on the recently established ‘Decarbonisation Zone’ in the Westside Area. Galway City Council has already instigated several climate action projects, such as:

·       the Net Zero cities housing retrofit project in the Westside area, with its ‘Warmer Homes Hub’ and the acceleration of housing  retrofits;

·       the new €446,000  community climate action fund for community groups;

·       the Air we Share Creative Ireland project in Westside;

·       the pilot conservation grazing project, Buaile Bó Ballyloughane;

·       the Grattan Beach sand dune restoration project

·       the electrification of the councils fleet

·       A new, innovative climate festival in September 2024.

The Launch was attended by the Mayor of Galway City, Cllr. Eddie Hoare, the new Galway City Council Chief Executive Mr. Leonard Cleary, Director of Services Mr. Derek Pender, Climate Action Coordinator Damien Redington, Community Climate Action Officer Tiarnan McCusker, Net Zero cities Coordinator Sharon Carroll, Dr. Kevin Lynch, University of Galway as well as the teachers and children from the local primary school Scoil Niocláis Naofa (Claddagh National School).

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